MarkMagic Version 5 Modification Level History

A complete history of modification levels for MarkMagic 5.

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  • Increased the total number of data, text and barcode variable fields in a format from 750 to 999. This added capacity helps MarkMagic customers and Application Software Vendors support increasingly complex labels and forms with up to 10 times the number of variable format fields as competing solutions.
  • Updated command, WRKMMVSN (Work with MarkMagic Version) now requires *SECOFR authority to change MarkMagic version defaults other than *SESSION or *USER. Protects *SYSTEM version from being changed by mistake.
  • Updated command, SETMMVSN (Set MarkMagic Version) now allows *DEFAULT for both current *SESSION and *USER user levels. Allows the *SESSION version to be changed back to the *SYSTEM version more easily. Now, you don’t need to know the *SYSTEM version, you can specify *DEFAULT.
  • Updated Graphic functions. Conversion function now retrieves graphic length and width for source graphics. In addition, graphic field formatting improved by adding calculated graphic size and converted graphic rotation value to graphic image retrieval during format definition. This helps position complex graphics correctly.
  • PDF E-mail Add On Option: Added new command, WRKMMEML (Work MarkMagic E-mail) to display, edit and change the *DEFAULT and *USER e-mail configuration information. This new command makes it much easier to maintain and update MarkMagic e-mail users. Many new fonts, styles, and sizes now supported in PDF output.
  • Added the ability to use *RANDOM record order for FormWeaver jobs. Additional flexibility is gained when the label file LBPARM field is examined to determine the format to use, record by record. Unlike the previous sequential record order (*SEQ) in which the input records follow the same sequence as the list of formats in the FORMATS parameter, random record order lets you vary the FormWeaver formats printed on each page, in any order you like, as long as the formats appear anywhere in the FORMATS parameter list.


  • WRKMMVSN (Work with MarkMagic Version) Command: Fixed problem for user profiles that are longer than 8 characters. Now User ID’s longer than 8 characters are displayed properly, and the MarkMagic version can be changed at the *USER level.
  • Design a label format: Added *MASTER device in all instances. *MASTER was not a choice if only one device was installed.
  • FormWeaver: Fixed problem of mixing formats of different lengths and widths printing incorrectly. Also, corrected problem of extra graphics printing.
  • Monarch driver: Fixed printing problem when both a variable and a static graphic were on the same format.
  • HPPCL driver: Fixed problem of white text not printing correctly; Increased maximum number of variable text and bar code fields to accommodate parts across; Improved box line width printing to match line width; Fixed problem of bar code print width not changing if only the narrow bar width was changed from one bar code field to the next.
  • Graphic Conversion: Corrected problem of source graphic not correctly writing to source file. CPYGRAF (Copy a Graphic) command now also uses the *REPLACE option for a target graphic. – fixed import of 4.1 graphics using option *SELECT – fixed update of name and description when replacing a graphic number with *SELECT option
  • PDF E-mail Add On Option: Enabled special values, *DEFAULT, *USERID, and *USERNAME in SENDER parameter of PRTLBLF (Print a Label File) command; New Times font now properly displays as Times Roman in PDF; Bar codes and rotated graphics now display correctly on rotated forms; Courier font scale changed to match the scale in the MarkMagic PCL5 driver; Barcodes now display in the correct location in PDF (Previously, they were printing off by the height of the barcode itself); Boxes and lines in PDF now match the printed look when printed from MarkMagic.
  • *LINK Field definition: Fixed display of source fields after selecting an additional source field (previous selections were not displayed).
  • Visual Designer: Fixed format rotation for correct placement of graphics.


  • New integrated online help system. This web-based help system features context sensitive help topics based on the panel and task you are working on.
  • New Command Prompters recall the parameters used the last time you used the command. This works even after user exits and restarts JMagic and several command prompts now fill in User’s ID by default.
  • Graphic enhancements: There are two new default graphics that may be seen while designing a format in JMagic. One that indicates a variable graphic is used. The other is for graphics that do not have a Source graphic associated with them; Added “Image Conversion Complete Dialog” for notifying when JMagic completes converting a graphic.
  • Rename Format option now available in the Format Menu. .
  • System name now visible in the JMagic status bar at the bottom of the screen..
  • Arrow keys on the keyboard now do not move user’s view of the format. This helps in accurately moving fields.


  • JMagic now correctly supplies the graphic width and height when adding a graphic.
  • JMagic now swaps the length and width of the graphic when it is rotated.
  • Converting PCL graphics with rotation is now enabled in the converter.
  • Specifying a graphic number at time of conversion now correctly overwrites an existing graphic number.
  • Correct row value is now provided when adding a new graphic. Previously a value much lower than the selected row was provided causing “invalid row errors.”
  • Graphics that were converted rotated now display correctly on the format. Previously they were shown rotated the opposite direction. This applies to the normal design layout and when using Print Preview.
  • Print Preview: Fixed variable graphic support. The graphic is now drawn in the correct spot on the format; Page control window now displays current page and total page values; Progress bar added to show movement through the previewed file.
  • Improved the accuracy with which JMagic displays fonts on the screen.
  • Zebra Outline Font now displays properly when the format is measured using Millimeters.
  • Logon Preference Windows and Graphics Properties Window changed so user does not have to manually resize the windows.
  • English language translation file changed to remove Translation errors in the out.txt log file.


  • New Paxar SNAP500 care label driver added. The all-new Paxar SNAP 500 printer, is a thermal transfer care label printer designed to print one- or two-sided labels on coated, satin and heat seal tapes. The SNAP 500 printer meets the increasingly complex needs of the apparel manufacturing industry by providing an economical, easy-to-use, and low maintenance printing solution.
  • Print Monitor: Added support to match the number of copies to the number of copies on the input spool file if the copy attribute is set to “1” in the job set up. This is useful in applications in which you need to print a variable number of copies of a label or a form.
  • Added the ability to start Print Monitor in a User’s start up program This comes in handy whenever a program is run to start the subsystems.
  • Intermec driver: Added support for Fox IV Applicator, sub class IM4400F. Added ability to send format or data only. Multiple enhancements to improve speed.
  • Graphics: Added graphic type ‘JPG’ for source graphic conversion. Added support for variable graphics that point to a non-existent graphic. This means that when a record contains a value for which there is no matching graphic, you can choose to print a substitution graphic instead. The substitution graphic can be a blank graphic, a graphic saying “Graphic missing”, an “X” symbol, or any other image you choose.
  • Printing performance improved. Greater print speed using format caching.
  • Zebra driver: Added Data Matrix Bar Code support.
  • MaxiCode: Added support for type ‘HEAVY’ to suppress the printing of a MaxiCode and replace it with an H.
  • MarkMagic Jobs: Added *JOB option for MarkMagic Jobs and Print a Label File (PRTLBLF) command. This option will retrieve the DEVICE or OUTQ from the User’s job attribute. This is useful in applications in which you need to change where the output will print. This option allows you to use the ‘CHGJOB’ command before the MarkMagic job runs to override the OUTQ or print device. This option will also allow you to control jobs that are run by the print monitor.
  • The Library List is restored when exiting MarkMagic. Previously, only the current library was restored.
  • 2D Bar Code for Forms Option: Added native 2D bar code support for V5R2M0 and above. Previously, a PC was required to create laser 2D bar codes.
  • PDF/e-mail Option: Simplified SMTP server configuration, only QSECOFR is required.Previously, entries for each user needed to be added. Added support for new WYSIWYG fonts in IFS directory.


  • Print Monitor: Fixed problem of the correct spool file not always being passed to the job.
  • Intermec driver: Fixed Triumvirate font with variable data formatting issue.
  • Printronix driver: Fixed problem of bar code fields not printing at minimum height values.
  • Label file printing: Fixed problem of label file with more than 400 fields not printing.
  • Monarch driver: Incrementing and repetition fixed. A value of ‘P’ (for Program control) added to Device Table’s Repetition Used field. Corrected sending *hdg field type.
  • HPPCL5 driver: Incrementing and repetition fixed. A value of ‘P’ (for Program control) added to Device Table’s Repetition Used field. Corrected printing with a top margin offset value. Corrected multiple page printing. Next page was getting previous page’s values in certain cases.
  • Import/Export: Corrected target graphic re-numbering.
  • Adobe PDF Option: Various fixes; variable color graphics is now working as intended.
  • List View: Corrected ability to do multiple actions at a time from the fields list panel.
  • Adobe PDF/e-mail Option: Fixed OVRPRTF command to allow email address information.


  • Print Preview: Variable graphic support added.
  • JMagic Linking enhanced. JMagic looks at the fields’ actual lengths, rather than the length of the data in the description of the source field.
  • Grids and Templates: Grid Options added to the “New Format” dialogue.
  • Graphics: Field length can now be manually set. This helps with variable graphics. Setting reference to H, 0, D, 0, will change the length automatically to the required length.
  • Prompt preferences (Edit>>Preferences), can be modified in JMagic.


  • Templates fit on the page correctly and match the rotation of the format.
  • Zebra Outline fonts have improved appearance in JMagic.
  • Fixed rotated PCL bar code fields.
  • Adobe PDF Option: Various fixes; variable color graphics now supported in JMagic


  • Added WRKMMVSN (Work MarkMagic Version) command that shows User Version overrides in MarkMagic. User Version can be changed on the display, or the User Data Area can be deleted.
  • JMagic: Faster Source Graphic retrieval without distortion.
  • Zebra driver: Added support for new RFID command set (RS, RF commands) to support new generation of EPC capable RFID printers. Subclass RFID2 designates the new printer types.
  • Intermec driver: Added support for code page setting based on character sets. Added support for Multinational Code Page 850. Added height adjustment routine for PDF417 bar code. Added support for white text fields on black background.
  • Eltron driver: Added support for MaxiCode bar code.
  • 2D Laser Bar Code printing performance improved. Can now handle bigger bar codes.


  • JMagic: Fixed QuickCreate toolbar button function. Changes in *MASTER format now refresh in Field List without restarting JMagic. Fixed Courier font display to match PCL and JPCL print output. Fixed graphics rotation method. CRTLBLF (Create a Label File) command now runs in User Library. Field List refreshes upon addition of new field. Graphics rotate when Format is rotated.
  • Intermec driver: Fixed Transportation Header Code. Scaled Outline font width by .83 to match Zebra scaling. Fixed MaxiCode printing.
  • Fixed graphics support for PDF Option.
  • Fixed Format Import. Fields and Links were not being imported when *ADD or *REPLACE was chosen.
  • Fixed Print Monitor. Users without *JOBCTL authority were able to start the monitor jobs. Now, both the starting and ending jobs check for user authority before they are submitted. Users without the proper system authority cannot control jobs.
  • Fixed Eltron PDF417 bar code support.
  • Eliminated need to have product library on the library list in order to run the GETMMJOB program.
  • Printronix PGL 2D printing corrected.


  • New HPPCL5EDG driver adds ability to print closer to the edge of laser printed documents.
  • HPPCL5 driver: Increased maximum 1D bar code field length to 50 characters, from the previous maximum of 30. This was done to accomodate the FedEx ASTRA Bar Code code field which is 32 characters long.
  • DataMax driver: Added support for Print Offset Position Command to support Avery Soabar 360 and 362 printers. (also changed in MarkMagic 4.1).
  • Intermec driver: Added support for graphics, and outline fonts.
  • Qualified calls to MRKMAG. In previous versions of MarkMagic, some users had hardcoded calls to MarkMagic commands such as RUNMMJOB and PRTLBLF using MRKMAG as the library. The new MarkMagic SETMMVSN command allows users to switch between Versions 4.1 and 5.1 without the need to change any of their existing code, even qualified calls using the MRKMAG library
  • Eltron Privilege card driver: Added support for graphics and bold fonts.
  • Added graphics support for PDF Option.
  • Formats with graphics open much faster and adding graphics is faster.


  • HPPCL5 driver: Fixed SM@RT Codes for PDF417, including not truncating data when SM@RT Codes cause field length to increase. Fixed buffer overflow and invalid buffer length errors.
  • PRTLBLF: Fixed From Key logic. Program was printing from beginning of label file instead of From Key.
  • Session overrides in STRMRKMAG: STRMKMAG V5.1 was changing the session overrides for users who were set to V4.1.
  • Under certain conditions, Jobs were failing with file unavailable errors after they had been run once interactively (print a label format is an example).
  • Inability to export graphics fixed.
  • Fixed FormWeaver failure when a FormWeaver Job is run after a non-FormWeaver job.
  • Edit Label File (EDTLBLF): Fixed problem of label file records not being retrieved.


  • Added FormWeaver Option that allows for advanced printing combinations such as printing a page consisting of multiple formats, or printing a page with instructions on the back.
  • Added support for numeric value SM@RT message *HEADING fields. Also, dependent formats and *LINK fields can now use SM@RT message *HEADING fields.
  • Zebra driver: Added support for prestoring formats as .GRF in addition to .FMT .
  • Added support for FedEx Codabar (bar code type 61).
  • Added RFID Option. Includes support for Monarch, Zebra and Printronix printer drivers.
  • Added most MarkMagic functions to JMagic WYSIWYG Label Design Interface such as: PRTLBLF (Print a Label File), WRKSPLF (Work Spool File), and other MarkMagic and operating system commands.
  • Added advanced graphics handling by accepting files in GIF or JPEG format and converting them to the target graphic type automatically, without the need for manual PC based utilities .
  • Added support for variable graphics. Images can be retrieved by graphic number, name, or description.
  • Added support for optional use of Batch control fields in Label Files. This allows for optional elimination of label files.
  • Add graphics support for TEC 2 printer driver.
  • Added ability to run multiple versions of MarkMagic in parallel, by removing all “hard-coded” qualified references to MRKMAG. MRKMAG libs are renamed MRKMAGxx, where “xx” is the MarkMagic product version.
  • Added Print Monitor Option to watch queues, grab spool files meeting predefined criteria, and run the associated MarkMagic Job. The Monitor also allows the user to set the disposition of the spool file after the MarkMagic Job is run.
  • Added Print Monitor Option to watch physical files and run an associated MarkMagic Job when a record is added to the file.
  • Added Avery Dennison Easy Plug driver.
  • Added ability to Secure Print File Overrides.
  • Added IFS Support. Import/Export functions no longer limited to QDLS folders.
  • Added Adobe PDF/e-mail Option (requires V5R2 of the operating system)
  • Added Epson Raster Text driver (requires V5R2 of the operating system).
  • Printronix: IGP/PGL driver: Added support for SM@RT Function codes. Added support for user defined bar code magnification with custom ratios. Added support for RIBBON parameter value = D (Default).
  • Eltron driver: Added GAP entry capability.
  • Zebra driver: Added support for Zebra Cache command.
  • Monarch MPCL driver: Added support for User Defined fonts. These are MarkMagic fonts 15-19 that correspond to Monarch fonts 100-104.
  • Added MICR font support to AFP driver.


  • Fixed problem of Rename causing graphic to be deleted instead of renamed.
  • Fixed formatted display of edited numeric fields.
  • Fixed problem when copying a field in List View.
  • Printronix: IGP/PGL driver: Fixed format rotation coordinates. Corrected horizontal line thickness offset. Corrected bar code height. Corrected various bar codes: MSI, CODABAR with check digit, Code 39 with check digit. Fixed Maxicodes. Corrected problem of blank varying bar codes causing data to be shifted to wrong fields. Adjusted box end row and column to offset for box thickness.
  • Zebra driver: Fixed problem of format not being recalled when multiple formats are mixed in a batch. Fixed problem of PDF 417 bar code bar code missing the number of columns parameter and the row height not being calculated correctly.
  • Fixed problem of MarkMagic not working properly when adding a line, box, or graphic field in List View.
  • Fixed problem of corrupted link fields when resequencing a Dependent format.
  • Fixed problem when deleting more than one source link at a time, not all deletes took effect.
914-963-6600 – Option 4

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