MarkMagic Version 7 Modification Level History
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 7.2/7.7 110324 »
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 7.2/7.7 110324»
- Enhancements in JMagic and Options 110324»
- Issues Fixed in JMagic and Options 110324 »
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 7.2/7.7 101216»
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 7.2/7.7 101216»
- Enhancements in JMagic and Options 101216 »
- Issues Fixed in JMagic and Options 101216»
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 7.2/7.7 100118 »
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 7.2/7.7 100118 »
- Enhancements in JMagic and Options 100118 »
- Issues Fixed in JMagic and Options 100118 »
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 7.1/7.6 090916 »
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 7.1/7.6 090916 »
- Enhancements in JMagic and Options 090916 »
- Issues Fixed in JMagic and Options 090916 »
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 7.0/7.5 090804 »
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 7.0/7.5 090804 »
- Enhancements in JMagic 7 090804 »
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 7 090804 »
- New Adobe PDF file creation performance option “MarkMagic JVM Subsystem”. Selecting “Y” for this new MarkMagic Parameters option will direct MarkMagic to create and reuse a dedicated System i Java Virtual Machine instead of starting a new generic JVM for each job. Depending on your application, performance gains range from 5% to 90% in file creation. Note: Please contact for option details and setup information before changing the default value “N” to the new method “Y”.
- Zebra to AFPDSFX Emulation support: Any MarkMagic Zebra format can now be printed to a laser printer. Benefit: For any of you who already have Zebra labels defined in MarkMagic and would like to use these formats as part of a larger format (ex: combined ship label and pack list for direct to consumer compliance, etc), this new feature allows you to use your existing thermal formats to print on a laser printer. Simply choose AFPDSFX as your Emulated device in the PRTLBLF command and your normal MarkMagic Zebra output will automatically be converted to IBM’s AFP print language which can then be printed on a host of IPDS, PCL5, PCL5E, and PCL5C laser printers.
- Increased maximum number of variable format fields from 750 to 999.
- Eastern European Language support (Polish, Czech, etc) added to PCL5. Must use character set *EEU in PRTLBLF command.
- New methods created to better handle PDF email and PDF text block. These changes have demonstrated a slight performance increase while resolving what could be potential upgrade issues (file locks) for customers in the future.
- Increased receiver value to handle larger print runs.
- Monarch 9800: Added center aperture supply support “supply type B” to Monarch 9800 print driver family. Increased maximum number from 99.
- Following code page language support added to Monarch MPCL printer driver: 870, 277,278, and 420
- Backfeed sequence option added to Zebra print driver (A-after, B-before, N-default, nnn-percent)
- Increased length of email subject and body in PrintTransformer Rules to match maximum value in PRTLBLF command.
- Resolved issue where RuleSets were not found if RuleSet library was set to *SEARCH and called via PRTLBLF command.
- PrintTransformer: Resolved subscript error when switching back to a condition action used earlier in the print run. Corrected record number issue that caused incorrect page number data to be used in some scenarios. Rotated conditioned fields and formats are now consistent.
- In the rare occasion email.log is locked while MarkMagic is setting up the log file, MarkMagic will reissue the call.
- Resolved variable graphic subsequent page location issue.
- Increased performance when selecting and moving a large number of formats fields. Undo and Redo of large quantity fields is also much faster.
- New “trim” option when defining PrintTransformer Condition Tests which suppress leading blanks and zeros when comparing data.
- New DataBar WYSIWYG support for all types.
- Enhanced AFPDSFX bar code WYSIWYG.
- Resolved a number of small PrintTransformer RuleSet and Condition GUI items.
- Improved EAN13 bar code WYSIWYG and added +2 and +5 WYSIWYG support.
- New Zebra to AFPDSFX Emulation support: Any MarkMagic Zebra format can now be printed to a laser printer.
Benefit: For any of you who already have Zebra labels defined in MarkMagic and would like to use these formats as part of a larger format (ex: combined ship label and pack list for direct to consumer compliance, etc), this new feature allows you to use your existing thermal formats to print on a laser printer. Simply choose AFPDSFX as your Emulated device in the PRTLBLF command and your normal MarkMagic Zebra output will automatically be converted to IBM’s AFP print language which can then be printed on a host of IPDS, PCL5, PCL5E, and PCL5C laser printers. - Increased maximum number of variable format fields from 750 to 999.
- Eastern European Language support (Polish, Czech, etc) added to PCL5. Must use character set *EEU in PRTLBLF command.
- New methods created to better handle PDF email and PDF text block. These changes have demonstrated a slight performance increase while resolving what could be potential upgrade issues (file locks) for customers in the future.
- Increased receiver value to handle larger print runs.
- Added center aperture supply support “supply type B” to Monarch 9800 print driver family.
- Following code page language support added to Monarch MPCL printer driver: 870, 277,278, and 420
- Backfeed sequence option added to Zebra print driver (A-after, B-before, N-default, nnn-percent)
- Increased length of email subject and body in PrintTransformer Rules to match maximum value in PRTLBLF command.
- Resolved issue where RuleSets were not found if RuleSet library was set to *SEARCH and called via PRTLBLF command.
- Resolved PrintTransformer subscript error when switching back to a condition action used earlier in the print run.
- In the rare occasion email.log is locked while MarkMagic is setting up the log file, MarkMagic will reissue the call.
- New “trim” option when defining PrintTransformer Condition Tests which suppress leading blanks and zeros when comparing data.
- Enhanced AFPDSFX bar code WYSIWYG.
- Resolved a number of small PrintTransformer RuleSet and Condition GUI items.
- Improved EAN13 bar code WYSIWYG.
- Variable graphic support added to the Avery Dennison EP print driver family.
- New notification message and rename option when editing or deleting a Text Block. Helps mitigate global changes that may affect other formats using the same Text Block.
- Sequence Fields *SEQ: MarkMagic user library no longer required on the library list when using sequence fields.
- Graphic Conversion: When converting graphics with the *REPLACE option, the original graphic will only be replaced if the new conversion produces a valid image. Graphic field description is now saved with target graphic conversion.
- Added current job number to Laser 2D PrintServer data queue time stamp.
- FormComposer: Added from/to record support to ensure complete data set printing. Overflow “repeating fields” no longer replace data on subsequent pages.
- In addition to MICR font #50 (300 dpi) a new PCL5 MICR font #65 has been added which is set to 600dpi.
- Support added to AFPDSFX print driver (IPDS) to allow closer edge bar code printing in all rotations.
- Text Block Updates: Positioning of rotated text blocks. Multiple text block fields on one format no longer use the number of rows defined in the first text block. When using Conditions to optionally turn off a text block, the entire text block is dynamically omitted from the format, not just the first line.
- Format caching issued resolved where subsequent prints could render the *SEQ field data as invalid.
- When in List View the format copy option will include PrintTransformer Conditions in the copied format.
- PRTLBLF command prompt display for the Emulated Device parameter no longer errors if not using *ALL in the SETMMPRM printer device types setting.
- Updated Graphic Gallery “position to” option to follow same logic as source graphics positioning.
- Resolved PS table (sm@rt codes) issue when printing outside MarkMagic and switching between different print driver families.
- Resolved issue where multiple variable PCL images caused subsequent print runs with same image to be corrupt.
- Performance when using Rules, Conditions and PDF Emailing has been improved by as much as 70%.
- Enhancements were made to resizing text blocks when using the mouse handles. Font size is automatically adjusted so the rows of data will fit within a resized text block.
- Adding and modifying actions that toggle on / off fields via Conditions has been made simpler.
- Text block font style and point sizes now appear properly when printed to PDF.
- A warning message is now displayed when a user attempts to delete a field that is being used within a Rule Set or a Condition.
- Ability to change text block font / point size / style has now been implemented in the HPLJ4P and HPPCL5 printer types.
- Standard paper size options have been added to a menu on the “Create Format” dialog screen. This makes it easier to quickly create new formats using standard sizes.
- Improved the GUI interface when working with tests in a Rule Set.
- Text blocks can now be affected by Conditions.
- Conditions can now be applied to boxes and line fields to change their colors.
- Added the ability to specify more than one “Recipient” value in a Rule Set option. The rules engine will properly fill out the RECIPIENT parameter with all email addresses listed in the option, not just the last one.
- Native AS400 graphic converter now better handles corrupt source JPG and GIF image. It will no longer load them and attempt to convert target images with them.
- JMagic will also not allow corrupt source GIF and JPG images to be loaded into the gallery. JMagic will report “0” Images Loaded.
- After uploading and converting an image using JMagic, the actual source JPG or GIF file on the PC will no longer be locked. This was causing “file in use” errors when users went to modify the JPG or GIF in an editor and attempted to resave the image on their PC.
- All processes that utilize native AS400 java have been changed to use a new logging method. New log files are available in the cybrajavaclasses7 folder on the IFS. Also, users can customize settings for this new logging feature via the new file.
- Various enhancements have been made to the MarkMagic native and windows based 2D barcode printserver. Included are logging updates that allow the user to better monitor the performance of the print server. See file in PC Server directory for details and editing of default values.
- Text Block style and font formatting is removed and a warning message is displayed, now, when the user changes the “number of characters per row” value of the text block.
- JMagic database fields selection updates include: ability to edit library, file, and field attributes (helpful when using FormComposer) and field “alias” is no longer used as field name.
- GUI performance has been maximized for Dependant formats based off large *MASTER format.
- JM default list view sort now mirrors MarkMagic list view sort.
- Text block position on the canvas has been corrected. Previously, the text block data was showing higher on the JMagic canvas than it would actually print.
- Fixed a problem where the text block name would print instead of the actual text block data when printing to PDF.
- WRKMMEML test connection no longer crashes the java virtual machine if your email profile has an incorrect password.
- Corrected an issue that would cause color PCL images to print with a black line on the edge.
- Formats with multiple text blocks now behave correctly when printed to PDF.
- The converter no longer trims off the immediate right side of a target graphic when converting.
- The “Skip” Option in the RuleSet will now skip over only the individual PRTLBLF commands (if bursting) that fail, not the entire set of bursts.
- The “Add Burst Key” dialog box will no longer lock up when the format attached to the Rule does not contain any variable fields.
- RuleSet “bursting” now works properly if, at any point in the rules processing, the burst key contains blanks.
- Corrected visual problems that occurred when “mouse resizing” courier or gothic font text fields. Users are no longer able to resize the fields larger than allowed by MarkMagic.
- Fixed multiple WYSIWYG issues when using zoom levels different than 100%: Outline Font scaling / resizing and Text Block appearance.
- PrintTransformer Rules now correctly utilize PRTLBLF batch control fields when variable data is from a spool file.
- JMagic format save issue resolved where a combination of field changes and then canceling out of a field edit caused some fields to not be saved correctly.
- Text block: added ability to change text style, font, and size within a text block.
- FormComposer: Added option to use *SPOOLFILE data for calculation fields, look up fields added for spool data, repeating fields with spool key. Calculations can now use *HEADING Data fields.
- Graphic DPI added to Create Target graphic command
- FormWeaver: Back Page parameter added to RUNMFJOB command. This allows multiple formats to be combined on the front while printing one format on the back side.
- AFPDS driver now properly prints duplex documents.
- Corrected text block positioning on a rotated formats.
- Resolved issue of PC print server locking a label file under certain conditions.
- Error corrected when faxing with PrintTransformer (rules)
- Barcode length calculation errors fixed.
- MICR-DL font added to all PCL5 printer drivers.
- Text block: added GUI to display/edit/create text blocks with changing font styles, types, and sizes. Updated the text block resize capability on the JMagic canvas.
- Added multiple field support to PrintTransformer actions.
- The new MM7 MICR-DL font now displays for all PCL5 print drivers.
- Enhanced the PrintTransformer GUI to gray out fields that have been toggled off in a condition.
- Added *PDFZ as an available action in PrintTransformer
- *LINK field Search and Sort options work correctly in all cases.
- New MarkMagic FormsComposer – adds full report writing power to MarkMagic with an amazingly simple to use interface. Imagine – without any programming you’ll be able to produce all kinds of reports containing headers and repeating detail lines, lookup fields from any number of associated files, overflow handling, calculated fields and special functions. MarkMagic 7 will contain this new report writing capability and will be included in MarkMagic Enterprise at no charge.
- New Print Transformer Option – In version 7, MarkMagic Print Manager will gain conditional printing. Customers have been asking for years to print fields based on user defined conditions such as printing negative values in red, or hide a box if a class of service is different. The new Print Transformer Option makes it easy to define rules at the field level. Text, Bar Code, Line, Box, Graphic, Text Block and RFID field attributes can be defined to conditionally print based on variable data or environmental variables.
- New Field Type “Text Block” for long text blocks – This new field makes it easy to add paragraphs of legal information to forms or a long list of ingredients to labels. Auto-formatting helps take the guess work out of column, font, and line offset changes.
- New Native PCL5 MICR support for laser check printing – When using font MICR-DL, MarkMagic 7 will download the special MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) soft font to your printer memory turning any PCL5-compatible laser printer into a check printer.
- New License Key Visibility provides dynamic code expiration and validation information. Countdown displays days remaining for keys to expire and restores permanent license keys (Runtime print only, for example) when temporary license keys expire. MarkMagic Admin menu option displays current MarkMagic temporary and permanent keys on the system.
- New Job Log entires. MarkMagic Printer Type and User Library have been added to the job log when a “format is not found”. This extra visibility will help you determine the correct format and library.
- The PCL drver now supports the use of variable graphics while using “parts across/down”.
- When printing PCL to AFP using emulated device AFPDSFX, adjusted the conversion factor for courier font so it better matches the original PCL size.
- Export Print Manager RuleSets & PrintMonitor Monitors to either a SAVF or PCFILE. Quickly move RuleSets and Monitors from a development system to production.
- IMB (Intelligent Mail Barcode) added to Printronix and Zebra drivers.
- The SETMMPRM command checks to make sure the licensed product library MMXXLICPRD exists before allowing license keys to be entered.
- Printronix UPC barcode height adjusted to allow smaller height down to .3 inches. Also, human readable can be suppressed if desired.
- *PDFZ added as an emulated device. This will create a PDF as normal, but it will be “zipped” to reduce file size.
- Added 5 new “User Defined” font numbers to the PCL driver. The new numbers are 95-99.
- “Format not found” message enhanced to now also report the MarkMagic priter type.
- Various new GS1-Databar barcode types added to Printronix, Zebra and Datamax drivers. Omnidirectional, Truncated, Stacked, Stacked Omnidirectional, Limited, Expanded and Expanded Stacked have been added.
- Greatly enhanced the PDF product to now allow printing of Zebra formats direct to PDF.
- MarkMagic will now check for installed licensed program “AFP utilities” (5722AF1) before attempting to convert AFP graphics and page segments.
- AFPDS driver now properly prints duplex documents.
- Line Printer (PCL font 39) will scale properly when printed to PDF.
- SATO barcodes that are defined as variable length “N” will now properly preserve trailing spaces.
- Zebra UPCE barcode type adjusted to allow proper length of data required by ZPL.
- FormWeaver option: Prints horizontal offset graphics correctly, *SEQ can use the same format multiple times on the same form, and *SEQ and *RANDOM can be switched within the same System i session.
- PrintManager menu now renamed to PrintTransformer. Available Rulesets and the new Conditional Printing GUI are now accessible using this menu.
- New “Create a Text Block” button added to the main top menu.
- Greatly improved the WYSIWYG nature of Monarch MPCL barcodes.
- Users can now drag the selection handles of text, barcode and graphic fields in order to resize the fields directly on the canvas. Resized graphics will have a new graphic converted to the new scale when the format is saved.
- Changing user libraries within JMagic is fully implemented now. A restart of JMagic is no longer needed to change the active user library.
- A new option is added to Rule Sets which allows a user to choose if the rule should continue processing when a test fails or not.
- Three new Datamax graphic options added to the converter GUI. These options allow the user to convert graphics at the correct size for the individual Datamax print modes.
- Several additions to the JMagic QuickEdit panel. Available options shown now depend on the field type selected. New field parameters added to QuickEdit are: field name, text stlye color and alignment, AS400 spool file line and column, box/line style and color, barcode narrow bar/density and height.
- The JMagic canvas will now scroll automatically when dragging fields near the edge of a format.
- Added a new “Work with Graphics” interface. This new interface more closely resembles the interface within MarkMagic for handling of graphics. Along with this now comes the ability to delete and rename source and target graphics all within JMagic.
- Right Click menu in JMagic. Available values shown depend on the field type selected. Font, style, color, spool line/column, can be changed via right click. Changing attributes of grouped similar fields is also available.
- “Save As” option allows saving the currently opened format under a new name.
- Added the ability to create and edit label files directly within JMagic.
- Ability to “batch” upload and convert multiple graphics in one process.
- Datamax barcodes will display at the correct size depending on the currently selected mode.
- The canvas will now always display after creating a new format.
914-963-6600 – Option 4
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Product Documentation
Supported Printers
MarkMagic User Guide
MarkMagic API Documentation
MarkMagic 11 Installation
MarkMagic PI 11 Installation
MarkMagic X Installation
MarkMagic PI X Installation
MarkMagic/JMagic 9.5 Installation
MarkMagic PI 9.5 Installation
MarkMagic/JMagic 9 Installation
MarkMagic PI 9.1 Installation
MarkMagic 11 Version History
MarkMagic 10 Version Details
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MarkMagic 9 Version History
MarkMagic 8 Version History
MarkMagic 7 Version History
MarkMagic 6 Version History
MarkMagic 5 Version History
MarkMagic 3 & 4 Version History
MarkMagic 1 & 2 Version History