MarkMagic Version 6 Modification Level History
A complete history of modification levels for MarkMagic 6.
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 081219 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 081219 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 081219 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 081219 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 080620 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 080620 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 080620 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 080620 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.0 070425 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.0 070425 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.0 070425 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.0 070425 >
MarkMagic V6 Modification Level History
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 081219 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 081219 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 081219 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 081219 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 080620 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1/6.5 080620 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 080620 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 080620 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 071201 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.1 070928 >
- Enhancements in MarkMagic 6.0 070425 >
- Issues Fixed in MarkMagic 6.0 070425 >
- Enhancements in JMagic 6.0 070425 >
- Issues Fixed in JMagic 6.0 070425 >
- New add-on option “On Demand” allows the serving of MarkMagic forms over the internet to your customers, vendors and employees. MarkMagic On Demand is a web based portal that allows your customers to securely sign on (using a userid and password) and search for and display, print or e-mail their invoices, statements, purchase orders, or other MarkMagic Forms.
- New Quick Update, upgrade option for Ver. 6.1 Mod 080620 users. This is the fastest method to upgrade from Mod 080620 to Mod 081219.
- Added ability to print the Euro symbol using Printronix (PGL) printer types.
- Enabled scaleable True Type font printing on Datamax “class” printer types.
- Added new “mode” options to the Paxar garment label printer driver. Users now have the ability to control which sense marking the printer will look for as well as adjusting cut distance.
- Users now have the ability to fax documents through use of the Print Manager option.
- UPCE-1 has been added a valid barcode type for HP laser printer devices and Printronix devices.
- Fax specific help text has been added to the help documents for the PRTLBLF command.
- MarkMagic will now check for installed licensed program “AFP utilities” (5722AF1) before attempting to convert AFP graphics and page segments.
- MaxiCode 2D barcode will now print in the proper position on 180 degree rotated Zebra labels.
- *FAX added as valid emulated device option in OVRPRTJOB command.
- Formats that use “@MSG” message file text fields will now print the correct information when printed as a PDF.
- Printing “variable graphics” using Datamax printer types has improved significantly.
- Updates have been made to the AFP printer driver in relation to MaxiCode 2D barcodes printing along side normal 1D barcodes. Also, the end of transmission “EOT” character will now encode correctly in the MaxiCode barcode.
- A critical update has been made to the Intermec printer driver resolving a problem that caused MaxiCode 2D barcodes to not print.
- When printing PCL formats using AFP Emulation, or faxing HP laser forms, 1D barcodes now resemble the original PCL barcode more closely.
- Updates were made to the PCL and PCLC laser printer driver including duplex printing while combining multiple graphics and barcodes, barcode sizes when printing along side graphics, “variable graphic” positioning when graphic sizes were different from page to page, and the position of 2D barcodes on landscape documents.
- Corrected a problem that caused a program to crash when using Quick Edit on a barcode field.
- Resolved a program error that occurred when copying formats to non-existent libraries and canceling out of the “create user library?” question.
- Adjusted the placement of vertical lines printed using Avery Dennison printer type. Previously, lines would appear to grow in thickness to the left. They now grow in thickness to the right.
- Changed the message received when a temporary MarkMagic license code was set to expire on that same day. Previous message was off by one day.
- New graphics fields will have their field names defaulted to *HEADING. This will make adding static graphics much easier removing the need to manually type “*HEADING”.
- Greatly improved the WYSIWYG nature of all Avery Dennison printer types.
- Graphics converted using the PHOTO and PHOTO++ quality options will now print in much higher quality than before. This is especially important for users that wish to print detailed color graphics using a PCLC color laser printer.
- When copying data fields, the position “offset” value parameters have been removed.
- Box fields configured as “Solid White” will now display as solid white on the canvas, instead of transparent. This is helpful when drawing solid white boxes on top of existing shaded boxes.
- Resolved a bug that prevented users from setting a *LINK source field “start position” higher than 99. The field in question now accepts numeric values up to 9999.
- The Print Manager GUI will now accept data strings other than valid email addresses in certain Print Label File Parameters when configuring an action. This will give users the ability to design rule sets that can fax documents via these actions.
- Data fields within *MASTER formats can now be configured to print spool file data.
- Added ability to create and utilize custom Monarch MPCL barcode densities. This will allow users to print various sized barcodes that are not allowed using default settings.
- Laser PCL 1D barcode height value can now be set to as low at .1 inch.
- SNDMMFAX command updated with User Defined Field 1 and 2 as well as a Destination field. Using these fields while faxing will make logging and fax identification using CHKFAXSTS command much easier.
- Code 128 “Auto-switch” added as a valid barcode type for Zebra printer drivers.
- Enhancements made to MarkMagic to improve integration with CYBRA’s EdgeMagic product.
- Added new functionality to the label cut capabilities of the Zebra printer driver. Individual labels can now be cut within a batch quantity.
- Further improvements made to MarkMagic’s new RFID field type including simplifying the method users can provide the source data for their RFID field. Straight HEX, Convert to HEX (utilizing MarkMagic’s intuitive segment builder interface) or plain ASCII can now be selected as a data format.
- Fixed an issue where MarkMagic job overrides were not overriding the correct file.
- When prompting parameters in the PRTLBLF command, the correct choices will be shown based on default version set for that instance.
- Corrected a cache error that only occurred when swapping more than 10 MarkMagic formats in one print process.
- Corrected several issues that surfaced when printing Monarch MPCL formats with Send Format = *HDG. Previously, barcodes and RFID fields would not print correctly due to a field numbering problem in the MPCL code.
- Greatly improved Toshiba TEC printer driver. New scaleable fonts added, field alignment, graphics and box field placement improved, multi-up printing, and variable graphics added.
- Fixed a small issue where “Barcode number of columns” value would not be saved when exporting a format from version 6.1 and importing into 5.1.
- Resolved a problem that occurred when mixing multiple different formats in a print wave where RFID formats and graphics were used.
- PCL shaded boxes will now print on the second page when printed using the FormWeaver add-on option.
- Greatly improved SATO printer driver including graphic printing, text alignment when rotated 90 degrees and reverse imaging.
- Added ability to specify barcode height for POSTNET barcode in MarkMagic.
- Corrected a problem that prevented formats exported from v6.1 to be imported into previous versions of MarkMagic.
- Modifications made to AFP emulation to allow text to print even when original laser PCL text font and/or style is not valid for AFP.
- Corrected a problem that would sometimes not allow a previous version library to be converted to 6.1 properly.
- Resolved a rare problem that surfaced when adding a rage of source fields to a *LINK barcode field. Source field lengths will no longer be retrieved as 0.
- Fixed an issue where the program could crash while editing a barcode using a display screen size set to 27×132.
- Added ability for MarkMagic to process data within a DBCS enabled spool file.
- The MarkMagic install program will now check to make sure QTEMP is in the system portion of the library list.
- The PDF email process will correctly determine the default email settings when the current user ID does have its own email settings
- Added ability to use Ctrl+mouse click with the new lasso selection tool. This makes it much easier to select multiple groups of fields.
- To make *LINK text fields much easier to identify on the canvas, the description from the field properties is now displayed along with “*LINK” on the JMagic canvas.
- JMagic will now prevent newly opened dialog boxes and windows from falling behind other open windows.
- Barcode height on PCL formats will now display as low as .1 inch. This enhancement goes hand-in-hand with MarkMagic’s new ability to print barcode heights as small as .1 inch.
- Multiple updates made to the JMagic RFID interface as a result of new improvements developed for RFID in MarkMagic. Most notably GUI changes made to accommodate the improved “Data Format” parameter now available in MarkMagic.
- Corrected an issue with the graphic converter where converting a graphic a second time, immediately after the first, did not work correctly.
- The PRTLBLF command will now display previously cached print commands correctly.
- Print Preview correctly displays new fields added to a format after a print preview has previously been generated.
- JMagic will correctly display the “Work with Spool Files” window when clicking the Print Preview button and the format is designed to print spool file data.
- Greatly improved WYSIWYG on SATO driver including text fonts, sizes, placement when rotated, barcodes types and sizes, and graphics.
- Greatly improved WYSIWYG on Toshiba TEC driver including text fonts, sizes, placement when rotated, barcodes types and sizes, and graphics.
- Improved barcode WYSIWYG display on Printronix printer types.
- Improved HPPCL5C (PCL Color Laser) WYSIWYG including fonts, font styles, lines, boxes, and shading..
- Copying a MarkMagic data field no longer requires that the user click on the JMagic canvas to initiate the copy.
- Corrected a problem where Datamax text font and graphic fields would not display at the correct size dictated by which “mode” the format was set to.
- Text fields on formats using the HPLJ4P printer type now show up in JMagic as WYSIWYG. Italic / Bold /Underline / Italic Underline, etc.
- Graphic fields placed on the canvas in JMagic will now display properly in MarkMagic’s “green screen” Visual Designer view. Previously, there would be large areas of pink color.
- The New Format window has been changed to look and feel similar to the Open Format Window with a tree structure.
- Paxar UCC128 barcode WYSIWYG improved.
- Resolved intermittent issue where barcode human readable would display on the design canvas even though a human readable was not defined in the bar code field.
- Spooled file data can now be selected beyond column 255 (new column maximum is 378).
- Added Eltron Function Smart codes for Code 128 barcodes.
- New Usage type(s) automatically print variable RFID field EPC data as text and/or encodes in linear bar code.
- Enabled Mod 43 check digit for ADS362 Soabar print driver.
- System i AFP graphics now convert as monochrome, providing better image quality.
- Zebra MaxiCode Smart codes no longer generate corrupt ZPL.
- Print Monitor no longer starts with a MSGW failure.
- Renaming *MASTER format and updating dependents no longer errors.
- Undo (F5) no longer errors when used to undo rotation or field move
- Print Manager changed to pass *DEFAULT as the Sender and send email when the Primary email address is set.
- HPPCL5C and PDF programs updated to handle multiple line colors.
- System i graphic debug output is now redirected to the converter#.txt file on the IFS, not the 5250 screen.
- JMagic Converter altered to accept graphic descriptions with spaces.
- Monochrome graphic conversions altered to change most non-white colors to black and white colors remain white.
- RFID Field updated to include length validation for the encoding types.
- RFID segment length restrictions are included as tool tips on the segment length input field.
- Closing a format while the template is turned on now turns off the template mode.
- Device and Format window for the Print Manager Rule Set now show only Devices with Formats.
- JMagic ZPL Outline Font 51 improvements to make more WYSIWYG.
- New Print Manager warning window alerts user if a Test contains an empty value.
- Turn on Print preview button altered to behave consistently with the Print Preview menu item.
- UPC-A *LINK Barcode field length verification updated.
- Loading graphics into the graphics gallery now converts the Graphics name to all capitals.
- AFP Graphic conversion updated to convert larger images (Note: AFP graphic conversion requires AFPU to create System i page segment)
- JMagic Converter properly obtains the next available graphic number when converting new graphics.
- No longer need to restart JMagic to use newly imported graphics.
- RFID segment default start position corrected to start at one instead of zero.
- Format templates correctly change with the formats changing.
- JMagic fixed to show colored lines correctly after a format is opened containing colored lines.
- Print Manager adjusted to give new Rule Sets the lowest available rule set number available.
- Print Manager corrected to report errors when attempting to use apostrophes in the primary email address parameter of a Rule’s test.
- Print Manager Rule Tests altered to allow the right hand side of a test evaluation to be empty.
- Print Manager correctly sends an email when the Print Manager sets the primary email address parameter.
- Print Manager adjusted to processes the very first Rule Set in a user library.
- New Print Manager Add-On Option. This new “rules based” option allows users to define extremely complex print, fax, and email jobs with no programming.
- New 6.1 Authorization code scheme. Please contact your account manger for a new code when upgrading from 4.1, 5.1 or 6.0.
- Added ability to define password protection and user defined data to RFID field definition.
- New Field Usage definition. Any variable field can have a “usage” defined as part of the field. This new feature is used mostly with RFID data and to interface with CYBRA’s native System i RFID Control Solution, EdgeMagic.
- New VICS Standard Bill or Lading check digit algorithm.
- Color Laser support added for HPPCL5C printer driver. Text, graphics, boxes, and lines can be defined in color and printed on a PCL5C enable d laser printer.
- New “Paging Style” option in Design Default Options (F23). User can select either the classic System i “Roll” or the new “Page” option which mimics the way a PC pages up and down the design canvas.
- New “User Defined TrueType” font for Zebra print drivers. Font “55” allows user downloaded fonts to be scaled to the hundredth of an inch.
- Hyphen in email sender PRTLBL parameter caused an error. Email addresses with hyphens can now be used.
- Bar code density added to Printronix driver for I 2 of 5 bar code type.
- Monarch mode 2 maxi code is now forced to mode 3 for Puerto Rico country code.
- Exported formats to previous MarkMagic versions were missing *LINK source fields. This is now resolved.
- Special *FAX PRTLBLF parameters are now saved in the MarkMagic Job definition. Also, a MM Job that does not contain a cover page no longer errors.
- OVRPRTJOB values are now retrieved before submitting the MarkMagic Job to batch.
- Error handling added for AFPDS and AFPDSFX print drivers. Drivers now mimic all other MarkMagic drivers if format, label file, or input spooled file are not found.
- WRKMMEML: Test option now works in the correct environment
- PRTLBLF values for “Sender” parameter (*DEFAULT, *USER, and *USERID) work after correctly have a variable was used in the command previously
- PRTLBL Recipient parameter works correctly after a recipient is removed.
- Undo “F5” now works correctly when used for field placement
- New Print Manager Add-On Option GUI. This new “rules based” option allows users to define extremely complex print, fax, and email jobs with no programming. JMagic Graphic User Interface uses prompting and live System i data to help make defining eve n the most complex rules easy.
- Added ability to define password protection and user defined data to RFID field definition.
- New Field Usage definition. Any variable field can have a “usage” defined as part of the field. This new feature is used mostly with RFID data and to interface with CYBRA’s native System i RFID Control Solution, EdgeMagic.
- New Convert User Library. When starting JMagic with either a new library or one that has not been converted to your current 6.1 version, JMagic now prompts the user to convert the library.
- Paxar Snap 500: Barcode Verifier implemented.
- Center alignment “C” added to PAX676N apparel tag printer.
- PAXAR driver “~” character implemented at end of file.
- New IFS Email Trace file: home/cybra/cybrajavaclasses6 /EmailStatus.txt
- Persistent box/line creation implemented as a user preferences.
- New IFS PrintManager rules processing setup file: home/cybra/cybrajavaclasses6/ printManagerOut.txt
- You can now use JMagic to create and modify RFID fields. Previously, there was a message directing users to use the green screen to create or modify RFID fields.
- Zebra Outline fonts will now display their selection handles properly after using the Zoom feature in JMagic.
- @MSG F ields are unique *HEADING fields that usually have a field length larger than 30. JMagic, previously, treated @MSG fields as normal *HEADING fields and inadvertently reset the field length to 30 (if it was greater than 30). Users can now properly utilize @MSG fields in JMagic.
- To use edit codes with *LINK fields, the user must apply the edit codes directly to the *LINK source fields. JMagic, previously, did not display edit codes for *LINK source fields. JMagic now displays the various edit codes for numerical *LINK source fields.
- In some cases, the GUI would lock up when uploading a template. This issue has been resolved.
- *LINK fields allow users to concatenate many fields together to create one field. In JMagic, previously, if the user created a *LINK field that contained many source fields, only the first 8 would be saved. This bug has now been fixed and users can create *LINK fields with more than 8 source fields.
- Users may have noticed that, if their user library contained numerous source graphics (GIF, JPG, JPEG), that they could not scroll the “Choose a Source Graphic” when they wanted to create a new target graphic. This GUI bug has been resolved and the window will display a scrollbar when needed.
- In certain situations, Color PCL graphics would not print in the correct spot on the format. This has bee resolved .
- 1D and 2D Barcode Properties windows adjusted to properly show the barcode type selected after attempting to edit the barcode’s opposite class of barcode field (1D or 2D).
- Added RFID field type to the Field list view’s list of field types to filterable.
- Fixed out of bounds error when converting a graphic to color pcl (PCLC) from Native System i.
- Barcode WYSIWYG field placement when human readable text is enabled corrected.
- Dependent formats no longer allow users to select fields from database and spool files when the field name is *LINK. *MASTER formats no longer allow users select spool file fields from the field selection frame when browsing.
- When loading a graphic into the graphics gallery using JMagic, the name is converted to all capitals to prevent complications while converting.
- Native iSeries FAX support added to PDF/Email Option. Any format designed using the MarkMagic HPPCL5, HPLJ4P, or AFPDS printer device types can now be faxed directly from the iSeries without format modification. This option requires IBM Facsimile Support for iSeries (licensed program: 5798FAX) to be installed and functional.
- New RFID Field Type. MarkMagic 6 introduces a new field type “RFID” to meet your dynamic RFID tag requirements. The RFID field type supports various tag encoding schemes, tag types, and can optionally convert iSeries data to HEX.
- New Administration Menu provides increased security and control over several MarkMagic operations. Note: Security Officer (SECOFR) authority is required to utilize this menu.
- Sequence Numbers allow you to predefine *SEQ numbers which can be used in MarkMagic formats. MarkMagic maintains a record of last number used.
- MarkMagic 5250 Help access via the Web. Pressing “F1” will now display our detailed web documentation in your default browser.
- New Bar Code Subtype Panels. Creating bar code fields is more intuitive then ever. Bar Code field types are now split into two popular subtypes, Standard One Dimensional (1D) and Two Dimensional (2D). Only required fields for each subtype are displayed on the “Work with Bar Code” screens.
- New MarkMagic 6 Authorization Scheme. Please contact your account manager for a new code when upgrading from 4.1 or 5.1.
- New RFID Print Drivers added for Intermec, Sato, TEC and Datamax printer device types.
- HPPCL color graphic support has ben added the the PDHPPCL5C device.
- New Examples Library: MMEXAMPLES contains sample source code as well as sample RFID, FormWeaver, PDF/Email/Fax formats and jobs.
- New MRKMAG60 library. One of the reasons MarkMagic 6 can coexist with older MarkMagic versions is because a unique name is given to the core MarkMagic library for each new version Note: MarkMagic version 4.1 and older use: MRKMAG and MRKMAG 5 uses MRKMAG50.
- New Tutorials: MarkMagic 6 includes seven tutorials: Basics, Labels, Forms, Graphics, PrintMonitor, PDF/e-Mail/Fax, and an all-new FormWeaver tutorial.
- HPPCL driver now allows the printing of a graphic field on the 2nd page following a barcode field.
- Changed graphic length and width for Rotated Formats to display graphics accurately on the design canvas.
- Added PDF Graphic Caching for improved performance.
- Fixed date conversions for international customers in the MarkMagic RGZMRKMAG job.
- Added support for DataMax variable graphics.
- Print Monitor Add on Option: Fixed copy spool file action so input spool file can be copied to another outque. Also fixed form type parameter, so spool file with specific format type values will now trigger the Print Monitor.
- Monarch Datamatrix bar code support added.
- New Look and Feel. JMagic has a new, updated look with new icons, and a new menu look and feel.
- New Lasso Tool. You can now select multiple fields on the JMagic canvas by simply clicking and dragging your mouse across the screen.
- New Search/Sort/Filter Functionality. You can now Search, Sort and Filter your *LINK Source Fields.
- Bar code MILS are now shown on the Display Tab of the Edit a Bar code dialog box. There is no need to make any calculations to make sure you have the correct number of MILS for your bar code specifications.
- RFID Indicator. You can now see if your format has an RFID field in JMagic by the green RFID indicator on the top of the canvas.
- New Bar Code Subtype Panels. Bar Code field types are now split into two popular subtypes, Standard One Dimensional (1D) and Two Dimensional (2D) bar code types.
- New Fields Linking to this Field List. This extra visibility allows you to quickly find *LINK field(s) that are using a given source field.
- TEC Fonts and Barcodes are now displaying WYSIWYG.
- Zebra Code 39 bar code displays now WYSIWYG
- Various updates to Print Preview when using variable graphics.
- Further adjustment of fonts, barcodes etc. on all devices to display as close to WYSIWYG as possible.
- New add-on option “On Demand” allows the serving of MarkMagic forms over the internet to your customers, vendors and employees. MarkMagic On Demand is a web based portal that allows your customers to securely sign on (using a userid and password) and search for and display, print or e-mail their invoices, statements, purchase orders, or other MarkMagic Forms.
- New Quick Update, upgrade option for Ver. 6.1 Mod 080620 users. This is the fastest method to upgrade from Mod 080620 to Mod 081219.
- Added ability to print the Euro symbol using Printronix (PGL) printer types.
- Enabled scaleable True Type font printing on Datamax “class” printer types.
- Added new “mode” options to the Paxar garment label printer driver. Users now have the ability to control which sense marking the printer will look for as well as adjusting cut distance.
- Users now have the ability to fax documents through use of the Print Manager option.
- UPCE-1 has been added a valid barcode type for HP laser printer devices and Printronix devices.
- Fax specific help text has been added to the help documents for the PRTLBLF command.
- MarkMagic will now check for installed licensed program “AFP utilities” (5722AF1) before attempting to convert AFP graphics and page segments.
- MaxiCode 2D barcode will now print in the proper position on 180 degree rotated Zebra labels.
- *FAX added as valid emulated device option in OVRPRTJOB command.
- Formats that use “@MSG” message file text fields will now print the correct information when printed as a PDF.
- Printing “variable graphics” using Datamax printer types has improved significantly.
- Updates have been made to the AFP printer driver in relation to MaxiCode 2D barcodes printing along side normal 1D barcodes. Also, the end of transmission “EOT” character will now encode correctly in the MaxiCode barcode.
- A critical update has been made to the Intermec printer driver resolving a problem that caused MaxiCode 2D barcodes to not print.
- When printing PCL formats using AFP Emulation, or faxing HP laser forms, 1D barcodes now resemble the original PCL barcode more closely.
- Updates were made to the PCL and PCLC laser printer driver including duplex printing while combining multiple graphics and barcodes, barcode sizes when printing along side graphics, “variable graphic” positioning when graphic sizes were different from page to page, and the position of 2D barcodes on landscape documents.
- Corrected a problem that caused a program to crash when using Quick Edit on a barcode field.
- Resolved a program error that occurred when copying formats to non-existent libraries and canceling out of the “create user library?” question.
- Adjusted the placement of vertical lines printed using Avery Dennison printer type. Previously, lines would appear to grow in thickness to the left. They now grow in thickness to the right.
- Changed the message received when a temporary MarkMagic license code was set to expire on that same day. Previous message was off by one day.
- New graphics fields will have their field names defaulted to *HEADING. This will make adding static graphics much easier removing the need to manually type “*HEADING”.
- Greatly improved the WYSIWYG nature of all Avery Dennison printer types.
- Graphics converted using the PHOTO and PHOTO++ quality options will now print in much higher quality than before. This is especially important for users that wish to print detailed color graphics using a PCLC color laser printer.
- When copying data fields, the position “offset” value parameters have been removed.
- Box fields configured as “Solid White” will now display as solid white on the canvas, instead of transparent. This is helpful when drawing solid white boxes on top of existing shaded boxes.
- Resolved a bug that prevented users from setting a *LINK source field “start position” higher than 99. The field in question now accepts numeric values up to 9999.
- The Print Manager GUI will now accept data strings other than valid email addresses in certain Print Label File Parameters when configuring an action. This will give users the ability to design rule sets that can fax documents via these actions.
- Data fields within *MASTER formats can now be configured to print spool file data.
- Added ability to create and utilize custom Monarch MPCL barcode densities. This will allow users to print various sized barcodes that are not allowed using default settings.
- Laser PCL 1D barcode height value can now be set to as low at .1 inch.
- SNDMMFAX command updated with User Defined Field 1 and 2 as well as a Destination field. Using these fields while faxing will make logging and fax identification using CHKFAXSTS command much easier.
- Code 128 “Auto-switch” added as a valid barcode type for Zebra printer drivers.
- Enhancements made to MarkMagic to improve integration with CYBRA’s EdgeMagic product.
- Added new functionality to the label cut capabilities of the Zebra printer driver. Individual labels can now be cut within a batch quantity.
- Further improvements made to MarkMagic’s new RFID field type including simplifying the method users can provide the source data for their RFID field. Straight HEX, Convert to HEX (utilizing MarkMagic’s intuitive segment builder interface) or plain ASCII can now be selected as a data format.
- Fixed an issue where MarkMagic job overrides were not overriding the correct file.
- When prompting parameters in the PRTLBLF command, the correct choices will be shown based on default version set for that instance.
- Corrected a cache error that only occurred when swapping more than 10 MarkMagic formats in one print process.
- Corrected several issues that surfaced when printing Monarch MPCL formats with Send Format = *HDG. Previously, barcodes and RFID fields would not print correctly due to a field numbering problem in the MPCL code.
- Greatly improved Toshiba TEC printer driver. New scaleable fonts added, field alignment, graphics and box field placement improved, multi-up printing, and variable graphics added.
- Fixed a small issue where “Barcode number of columns” value would not be saved when exporting a format from version 6.1 and importing into 5.1.
- Resolved a problem that occurred when mixing multiple different formats in a print wave where RFID formats and graphics were used.
- PCL shaded boxes will now print on the second page when printed using the FormWeaver add-on option.
- Greatly improved SATO printer driver including graphic printing, text alignment when rotated 90 degrees and reverse imaging.
- Added ability to specify barcode height for POSTNET barcode in MarkMagic.
- Corrected a problem that prevented formats exported from v6.1 to be imported into previous versions of MarkMagic.
- Modifications made to AFP emulation to allow text to print even when original laser PCL text font and/or style is not valid for AFP.
- Corrected a problem that would sometimes not allow a previous version library to be converted to 6.1 properly.
- Resolved a rare problem that surfaced when adding a rage of source fields to a *LINK barcode field. Source field lengths will no longer be retrieved as 0.
- Fixed an issue where the program could crash while editing a barcode using a display screen size set to 27×132.
- Added ability for MarkMagic to process data within a DBCS enabled spool file.
- The MarkMagic install program will now check to make sure QTEMP is in the system portion of the library list.
- The PDF email process will correctly determine the default email settings when the current user ID does have its own email settings
- Added ability to use Ctrl+mouse click with the new lasso selection tool. This makes it much easier to select multiple groups of fields.
- To make *LINK text fields much easier to identify on the canvas, the description from the field properties is now displayed along with “*LINK” on the JMagic canvas.
- JMagic will now prevent newly opened dialog boxes and windows from falling behind other open windows.
- Barcode height on PCL formats will now display as low as .1 inch. This enhancement goes hand-in-hand with MarkMagic’s new ability to print barcode heights as small as .1 inch.
- Multiple updates made to the JMagic RFID interface as a result of new improvements developed for RFID in MarkMagic. Most notably GUI changes made to accommodate the improved “Data Format” parameter now available in MarkMagic.
- Corrected an issue with the graphic converter where converting a graphic a second time, immediately after the first, did not work correctly.
- The PRTLBLF command will now display previously cached print commands correctly.
- Print Preview correctly displays new fields added to a format after a print preview has previously been generated.
- JMagic will correctly display the “Work with Spool Files” window when clicking the Print Preview button and the format is designed to print spool file data.
- Greatly improved WYSIWYG on SATO driver including text fonts, sizes, placement when rotated, barcodes types and sizes, and graphics.
- Greatly improved WYSIWYG on Toshiba TEC driver including text fonts, sizes, placement when rotated, barcodes types and sizes, and graphics.
- Improved barcode WYSIWYG display on Printronix printer types.
- Improved HPPCL5C (PCL Color Laser) WYSIWYG including fonts, font styles, lines, boxes, and shading..
- Copying a MarkMagic data field no longer requires that the user click on the JMagic canvas to initiate the copy.
- Corrected a problem where Datamax text font and graphic fields would not display at the correct size dictated by which “mode” the format was set to.
- Text fields on formats using the HPLJ4P printer type now show up in JMagic as WYSIWYG. Italic / Bold /Underline / Italic Underline, etc.
- Graphic fields placed on the canvas in JMagic will now display properly in MarkMagic’s “green screen” Visual Designer view. Previously, there would be large areas of pink color.
- The New Format window has been changed to look and feel similar to the Open Format Window with a tree structure.
- Paxar UCC128 barcode WYSIWYG improved.
- Resolved intermittent issue where barcode human readable would display on the design canvas even though a human readable was not defined in the bar code field.
- Spooled file data can now be selected beyond column 255 (new column maximum is 378).
- Added Eltron Function Smart codes for Code 128 barcodes.
- New Usage type(s) automatically print variable RFID field EPC data as text and/or encodes in linear bar code.
- Enabled Mod 43 check digit for ADS362 Soabar print driver.
- System i AFP graphics now convert as monochrome, providing better image quality.
- Zebra MaxiCode Smart codes no longer generate corrupt ZPL.
- Print Monitor no longer starts with a MSGW failure.
- Renaming *MASTER format and updating dependents no longer errors.
- Undo (F5) no longer errors when used to undo rotation or field move
- Print Manager changed to pass *DEFAULT as the Sender and send email when the Primary email address is set.
- HPPCL5C and PDF programs updated to handle multiple line colors.
- System i graphic debug output is now redirected to the converter#.txt file on the IFS, not the 5250 screen.
- JMagic Converter altered to accept graphic descriptions with spaces.
- Monochrome graphic conversions altered to change most non-white colors to black and white colors remain white.
- RFID Field updated to include length validation for the encoding types.
- RFID segment length restrictions are included as tool tips on the segment length input field.
- Closing a format while the template is turned on now turns off the template mode.
- Device and Format window for the Print Manager Rule Set now show only Devices with Formats.
- JMagic ZPL Outline Font 51 improvements to make more WYSIWYG.
- New Print Manager warning window alerts user if a Test contains an empty value.
- Turn on Print preview button altered to behave consistently with the Print Preview menu item.
- UPC-A *LINK Barcode field length verification updated.
- Loading graphics into the graphics gallery now converts the Graphics name to all capitals.
- AFP Graphic conversion updated to convert larger images (Note: AFP graphic conversion requires AFPU to create System i page segment)
- JMagic Converter properly obtains the next available graphic number when converting new graphics.
- No longer need to restart JMagic to use newly imported graphics.
- RFID segment default start position corrected to start at one instead of zero.
- Format templates correctly change with the formats changing.
- JMagic fixed to show colored lines correctly after a format is opened containing colored lines.
- Print Manager adjusted to give new Rule Sets the lowest available rule set number available.
- Print Manager corrected to report errors when attempting to use apostrophes in the primary email address parameter of a Rule’s test.
- Print Manager Rule Tests altered to allow the right hand side of a test evaluation to be empty.
- Print Manager correctly sends an email when the Print Manager sets the primary email address parameter.
- Print Manager adjusted to processes the very first Rule Set in a user library.
- New Print Manager Add-On Option. This new “rules based” option allows users to define extremely complex print, fax, and email jobs with no programming.
- New 6.1 Authorization code scheme. Please contact your account manger for a new code when upgrading from 4.1, 5.1 or 6.0.
- Added ability to define password protection and user defined data to RFID field definition.
- New Field Usage definition. Any variable field can have a “usage” defined as part of the field. This new feature is used mostly with RFID data and to interface with CYBRA’s native System i RFID Control Solution, EdgeMagic.
- New VICS Standard Bill or Lading check digit algorithm.
- Color Laser support added for HPPCL5C printer driver. Text, graphics, boxes, and lines can be defined in color and printed on a PCL5C enable d laser printer.
- New “Paging Style” option in Design Default Options (F23). User can select either the classic System i “Roll” or the new “Page” option which mimics the way a PC pages up and down the design canvas.
- New “User Defined TrueType” font for Zebra print drivers. Font “55” allows user downloaded fonts to be scaled to the hundredth of an inch.
- Hyphen in email sender PRTLBL parameter caused an error. Email addresses with hyphens can now be used.
- Bar code density added to Printronix driver for I 2 of 5 bar code type.
- Monarch mode 2 maxi code is now forced to mode 3 for Puerto Rico country code.
- Exported formats to previous MarkMagic versions were missing *LINK source fields. This is now resolved.
- Special *FAX PRTLBLF parameters are now saved in the MarkMagic Job definition. Also, a MM Job that does not contain a cover page no longer errors.
- OVRPRTJOB values are now retrieved before submitting the MarkMagic Job to batch.
- Error handling added for AFPDS and AFPDSFX print drivers. Drivers now mimic all other MarkMagic drivers if format, label file, or input spooled file are not found.
- WRKMMEML: Test option now works in the correct environment
- PRTLBLF values for “Sender” parameter (*DEFAULT, *USER, and *USERID) work after correctly have a variable was used in the command previously
- PRTLBL Recipient parameter works correctly after a recipient is removed.
- Undo “F5” now works correctly when used for field placement
- New Print Manager Add-On Option GUI. This new “rules based” option allows users to define extremely complex print, fax, and email jobs with no programming. JMagic Graphic User Interface uses prompting and live System i data to help make defining eve n the most complex rules easy.
- Added ability to define password protection and user defined data to RFID field definition.
- New Field Usage definition. Any variable field can have a “usage” defined as part of the field. This new feature is used mostly with RFID data and to interface with CYBRA’s native System i RFID Control Solution, EdgeMagic.
- New Convert User Library. When starting JMagic with either a new library or one that has not been converted to your current 6.1 version, JMagic now prompts the user to convert the library.
- Paxar Snap 500: Barcode Verifier implemented.
- Center alignment “C” added to PAX676N apparel tag printer.
- PAXAR driver “~” character implemented at end of file.
- New IFS Email Trace file: home/cybra/cybrajavaclasses6 /EmailStatus.txt
- Persistent box/line creation implemented as a user preferences.
- New IFS PrintManager rules processing setup file: home/cybra/cybrajavaclasses6/ printManagerOut.txt
- You can now use JMagic to create and modify RFID fields. Previously, there was a message directing users to use the green screen to create or modify RFID fields.
- Zebra Outline fonts will now display their selection handles properly after using the Zoom feature in JMagic.
- @MSG F ields are unique *HEADING fields that usually have a field length larger than 30. JMagic, previously, treated @MSG fields as normal *HEADING fields and inadvertently reset the field length to 30 (if it was greater than 30). Users can now properly utilize @MSG fields in JMagic.
- To use edit codes with *LINK fields, the user must apply the edit codes directly to the *LINK source fields. JMagic, previously, did not display edit codes for *LINK source fields. JMagic now displays the various edit codes for numerical *LINK source fields.
- In some cases, the GUI would lock up when uploading a template. This issue has been resolved.
- *LINK fields allow users to concatenate many fields together to create one field. In JMagic, previously, if the user created a *LINK field that contained many source fields, only the first 8 would be saved. This bug has now been fixed and users can create *LINK fields with more than 8 source fields.
- Users may have noticed that, if their user library contained numerous source graphics (GIF, JPG, JPEG), that they could not scroll the “Choose a Source Graphic” when they wanted to create a new target graphic. This GUI bug has been resolved and the window will display a scrollbar when needed.
- In certain situations, Color PCL graphics would not print in the correct spot on the format. This has bee resolved .
- 1D and 2D Barcode Properties windows adjusted to properly show the barcode type selected after attempting to edit the barcode’s opposite class of barcode field (1D or 2D).
- Added RFID field type to the Field list view’s list of field types to filterable.
- Fixed out of bounds error when converting a graphic to color pcl (PCLC) from Native System i.
- Barcode WYSIWYG field placement when human readable text is enabled corrected.
- Dependent formats no longer allow users to select fields from database and spool files when the field name is *LINK. *MASTER formats no longer allow users select spool file fields from the field selection frame when browsing.
- When loading a graphic into the graphics gallery using JMagic, the name is converted to all capitals to prevent complications while converting.
- Native iSeries FAX support added to PDF/Email Option. Any format designed using the MarkMagic HPPCL5, HPLJ4P, or AFPDS printer device types can now be faxed directly from the iSeries without format modification. This option requires IBM Facsimile Support for iSeries (licensed program: 5798FAX) to be installed and functional.
- New RFID Field Type. MarkMagic 6 introduces a new field type “RFID” to meet your dynamic RFID tag requirements. The RFID field type supports various tag encoding schemes, tag types, and can optionally convert iSeries data to HEX.
- New Administration Menu provides increased security and control over several MarkMagic operations. Note: Security Officer (SECOFR) authority is required to utilize this menu.
- Sequence Numbers allow you to predefine *SEQ numbers which can be used in MarkMagic formats. MarkMagic maintains a record of last number used.
- MarkMagic 5250 Help access via the Web. Pressing “F1” will now display our detailed web documentation in your default browser.
- New Bar Code Subtype Panels. Creating bar code fields is more intuitive then ever. Bar Code field types are now split into two popular subtypes, Standard One Dimensional (1D) and Two Dimensional (2D). Only required fields for each subtype are displayed on the “Work with Bar Code” screens.
- New MarkMagic 6 Authorization Scheme. Please contact your account manager for a new code when upgrading from 4.1 or 5.1.
- New RFID Print Drivers added for Intermec, Sato, TEC and Datamax printer device types.
- HPPCL color graphic support has ben added the the PDHPPCL5C device.
- New Examples Library: MMEXAMPLES contains sample source code as well as sample RFID, FormWeaver, PDF/Email/Fax formats and jobs.
- New MRKMAG60 library. One of the reasons MarkMagic 6 can coexist with older MarkMagic versions is because a unique name is given to the core MarkMagic library for each new version Note: MarkMagic version 4.1 and older use: MRKMAG and MRKMAG 5 uses MRKMAG50.
- New Tutorials: MarkMagic 6 includes seven tutorials: Basics, Labels, Forms, Graphics, PrintMonitor, PDF/e-Mail/Fax, and an all-new FormWeaver tutorial.
- HPPCL driver now allows the printing of a graphic field on the 2nd page following a barcode field.
- Changed graphic length and width for Rotated Formats to display graphics accurately on the design canvas.
- Added PDF Graphic Caching for improved performance.
- Fixed date conversions for international customers in the MarkMagic RGZMRKMAG job.
- Added support for DataMax variable graphics.
- Print Monitor Add on Option: Fixed copy spool file action so input spool file can be copied to another outque. Also fixed form type parameter, so spool file with specific format type values will now trigger the Print Monitor.
- Monarch Datamatrix bar code support added.
- New Look and Feel. JMagic has a new, updated look with new icons, and a new menu look and feel.
- New Lasso Tool. You can now select multiple fields on the JMagic canvas by simply clicking and dragging your mouse across the screen.
- New Search/Sort/Filter Functionality. You can now Search, Sort and Filter your *LINK Source Fields.
- Bar code MILS are now shown on the Display Tab of the Edit a Bar code dialog box. There is no need to make any calculations to make sure you have the correct number of MILS for your bar code specifications.
- RFID Indicator. You can now see if your format has an RFID field in JMagic by the green RFID indicator on the top of the canvas.
- New Bar Code Subtype Panels. Bar Code field types are now split into two popular subtypes, Standard One Dimensional (1D) and Two Dimensional (2D) bar code types.
- New Fields Linking to this Field List. This extra visibility allows you to quickly find *LINK field(s) that are using a given source field.
- TEC Fonts and Barcodes are now displaying WYSIWYG.
- Zebra Code 39 bar code displays now WYSIWYG
- Various updates to Print Preview when using variable graphics.
- Further adjustment of fonts, barcodes etc. on all devices to display as close to WYSIWYG as possible.
914-963-6600 – Option 4
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MarkMagic 11 Installation
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MarkMagic/JMagic 9.5 Installation
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MarkMagic 1 & 2 Version History