MarkMagic 10 Level History
A complete history of modification levels for MarkMagic 10.
- Field groups now import along with the formats that contain them
- Resolved an issue with the Create Label File command that prevented creation of very large label files
- *HEADING fields used in *LINK fields no longer truncate after 71 positions
- Rounded box corners and circle fields display properly when printed as PDF
- Corrected custom fonts by updating printer specific font table to handle new four-digit font numbers
- Fonts on Sato drivers now correctly convert to PDF
- Resolved a program crash when starting MarkMagic via list view
- Correct various issues when exporting and importing text blocks between different versions of MarkMagic.
- Corrected scaling issue of PDF417 barcodes when printing to PDF using a Zebra driver.
- Removed erroneous space characters that could sometimes appear when printing UPS Maxicode barcodes on Printronix driver.
- Resolved a program crash if printing with a format that had more than 999 fields that use *LINK.
- Added special handling for Microsoft Office 365 SMTP email servers when using the PDF Email Addon option. TLS v1.2 will now be utilized when connecting to these servers.
- The PCL Laser MMLABELA (width of 132) Print File is no longer used. In order to handle features added in version 10.0, PCL Laser print divers now use print file MMLABELL which is 378 in width.
- Resolved an issue where a decimal data error would occur when updating the description of a source graphic in the graphics gallery.
- Importing a text block now properly updates the library name when viewing in Work With Text
- Resolved issue where the directory monitor could fail to start with a decimal data error.
- Fixed display issue with text blocks that contain lines longer than 66 characters in length.
- Printronix 2D barcode special character strings can no longer be split between lines in the output data. Previously, the strings could become split up resulting in encoding issues with the special characters.
- Fixed missing screen messages indicating that certain menu options are unavailable on a runtime version of MarkMagic.
- Text blocks are now created in the current user library when using the option to create within Work With Text Blocks.
- Fixed an issue where SQL data was sometimes not being retrieved correctly when using PrintTransformer RuleSets.
- Increased the number of variable graphics that can be accessed in a single MarkMagic print call. Previously, if more than 999 variable graphics were fetched, there would be an error.
- Resolved an issue where an extra last page could be sent after the true last page when utilizing the “LASTPAGE” feature of a PrintTransformer RuleSet.
- Directory monitor now detects multiple periods in a file name and determines the file extension via the last period detected.
- Added support to Zebra drivers for unique permalock options on specific RFID tags and chips
- Resolved print issue with Datamax 2D barcodes that were upgraded from a previous version into MarkMagic 10.0.
- Corrected an issue with field placement on rotated Printronix formats.
- Fixed MarkMagic retrieving negative database key fields incorrectly and inadvertently setting the value to zeros.
- Resolved an issue that caused MarkMagic to incorrectly retrieve repeat key information via FormComposer.
- Correct an issue with QR barcodes less than 70 in length on AFPDS formats causing a print error.
- Fixed very rare case in which graphic data would not be saved if the user profile name had letter A in the 6th
- Fixed an issue where extra characters could show up at the beginning of QR barcodes on Monarch MPCL formats.
- Added a missing program related to a previous fix for new ZPL RFID permalock options.
- Added support to Monarch MPCL drivers for unique permalock options on specific RFID tags and chips
PI Version 10 Mod Level 220115
- Corrected scaling issue of PDF417 barcodes when printing to PDF using a Zebra driver greater than 200dpi.
- Corrected multi-up parts across printing
- MMPI supports new source data types. XML, CSV and JSON can now be used as source data when printing.
- Added support for the new source data types in the Quick Print interface as well as in all print REST APIs.
- Created new REST API that returns information about only the variable fields used on a format.
- New ability added to print output as image files. Along with PDF, now JPG, GIF and PNG images can be created, scaled, rotated and have their color modes set.
- Added support for detection of macOS when running an MMPI server. This allows for proper installation of a license.
- Added support in the PrintMonitor addon option for detection of XML, JSON and CSV files.
- Added special handling for Microsoft Office 365 SMTP email servers when using the PDF Email Addon option. TLS v1.2 will now be utilized when connecting to these servers.
PI Version 10 Mod Level 240522
- Fixed an incorrect title on an Import screen of the MMPI web GUI
- Resolved an issue importing graphics via REST API
- Graphics convert API was limiting graphic number to 3 digits. Correct to support 5 digit numbers
- Corrected improper MMPI service startup if the MM_LIC_DIR directory was not found
- Greatly increased conversion speed of PCL Color (PCLC) graphics type
- Resolved issue of incorrect print position of variable graphics
- Corrected a small memory leak that was discovered when running MMPI in certain environments
- MMPI 10.0 on Linux now uses systemctl to manage and monitor the mmpi service. Please see the installation guide for more information
- Installer in Linux now utilizes a built in JVM. This corrects installation issues on some distributions of Linux
- Removed authorization requirement from the /instance-info/startup-check API
- Version 10.0 will no longer allow upgrading from a version of MMPI older than 9.5
- Support added for international characters in PDF output. New font Nanum Gothic has been added
- Enhanced “Contact CYBRA Support” page added to the MMPI web GUI
- Various new model printers from Brother have been added to MMPI
- New library list feature added to MMPI. Allows for a User Library list to be configured on a per-user basis. Printing with USRLIB = *SEARCH will now search the users’ library list for a matching forma
- A login prompt should no longer appear upon opening a format that has a QR barcode on it.
- JMagic will no longer validate every field on the format if it contains a URL link. This should speed up opening of large formats.
- Added the ability to print preview from XML, JSON and CSV files.
- Created new “Work with” dialogs for XML, JSON and CSV files.
- Allow print jobs to be created with XML, JOSN and CSV as the source data file.
- Correct various formatting and number entry issues pertaining to the Sequence Number GUI.
- Utilities >> Import Table feature now properly supports version 10.0 MarkMagic AS400 objects
- Deleting an RFID field in JMagic correctly updates the “number of RFID fields on format” value.
- Corrected errors that could occur when exporting formats between MarkMagic on the AS400 and MarkMagicPI
- All Help buttons and links within JMagic now properly point to CYBRA’s new online help documentation portal
- In concert with the new MMPI 10.0 library list feature, upon login, JMagic will only present User Libraries that the current user has authority to
Product Documentation
Supported Printers
MarkMagic User Guide
MarkMagic API Documentation
MarkMagic 11 Installation
MarkMagic PI 11 Installation
MarkMagic X Installation
MarkMagic PI X Installation
MarkMagic/JMagic 9.5 Installation
MarkMagic PI 9.5 Installation
MarkMagic/JMagic 9 Installation
MarkMagic PI 9.1 Installation
MarkMagic 11 Version History
MarkMagic 10 Version Details
MarkMagic 10 Version History
MarkMagic 9 Version History
MarkMagic 8 Version History
MarkMagic 7 Version History
MarkMagic 6 Version History
MarkMagic 5 Version History
MarkMagic 3 & 4 Version History
MarkMagic 1 & 2 Version History