CYBRA Edgefinity IoT to Be Trialed for Worker Safety


CYBRA Edgefinity IoT to Be Deployed for Worker Safety

More than a decade after an apparent murder led to RTLS development, the technology is being offered to help prevent injuries, as well as track assets and analyze operations.
By Claire Swedberg

Several water utilities are preparing to adopt a lone worker safety system from CYBRA that was developed as a solution for monitoring objects and people, which includes applications to prevent accidents at worker sites and to get help to workers when they need it.

The Edgefinity IoT solution is designed to operate with active RFID technology from multiple vendors. For instance, the solution is offered using 433 MHz active RFID technology from GuardRFID, and also employs ultra-wideband (UWB) technology for more specific location data, using real-time location system (RTLS) sensor devices provided by Sewio, utilizing a DecaWave chip to transmit sensor data.

In addition to the lone worker safety application at utility sites, the solution now has a broad range that includes both asset and personnel tracking. The system also provides analytics to enable efficiency and other operational improvements—not just for utilities, but for other industries as well.