In the aftermath of the soon to become legendary Amazon Prime Day VS. Walmart cyber showdown, it looks like the retail world has a new king. Amazon exceeded 2nd quarter expectations significantly, posting a 16%  increase in revenue. Though one day cannot be the only factor in Amazon’s dramatic uptick. However, according to The Telegraph, 398 items were purchased every second during Amazon Prime day. That is a lot of stuff.

And, if numbers like that aren’t enough to prove sales are shooting up for Amazon, check this out.


In 2010, Amazon’s sales were at $34.2 billion in revenue. In 2014, they nearly got to $90 billion. In the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2015, Amazon has hit over $45 billion.

And, by overtaking Walmart as the largest retailer on earth, a clear message is being sent. Online retail is the way of the future (in case you didn’t already know that). With sales moving to the digital space more and more each year, so too come a new set of logistical challenges for retailers big and small. How do you ensure what you offer online is available for quick shipment, or even in stock? For Walmart, site to store sales are a significant part of their business. And for Amazon, how will they realistically get their drone shipping project off the ground (pun intended).

For both of these retail issues, the speed of delivery is the all important factor. For Amazon to improve their sterling numbers, and to bring drone shipping into reality, live inventory data will be an absolute necessity. Perhaps that is why they have begun investing in RFID technology.