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RFID Tunnel

CYBRA’s RFID tunnel solution (the Cage) is a 99.99% accurate carton validation tunnel for conveyor belts. Purposefully built for warehouses and distribution centers looking to improve inbound/outbound shipping accuracy without slowing down operations.

Overview: Automated Carton Validation RFID Tunnel

Reduce EPC chargebacks, shipping inaccuracies, and inefficient, random carton audits. The CYBRA RFID Cage validates EPC-tagged items in cartons at greater than 99% read accuracy, at conveyor speeds of up to 600 feet per minute.

Use the CYBRA RFID Cage to convert EPC compliance costs into real cost savings.

The Problem

Shipping Errors Are Sending Profits Out the Dock Door

Every missed scan, misrouted shipment, and manual check you rely on is silently draining your time, money, and accuracy.

Shipment Accuracy Issues

  • MMisdirected Shipments
  • MIncorrect Order Fulfillment
  • MSlow Manual Scanning
  • MMiscounted Inventory
  • MCostly Chargebacks

Ship Smarter, Faster, and Without Errors CYBRA’s RFID Tunnel

An RFID tunnel is your fast lane to flawless inventory tracking. As tagged items move through, powerful RFID antennas instantly scan and verify them—no manual checks, no missed reads. Perfect for logistics, warehousing, and retail, it automates inbound and outbound validation, reducing errors, cutting costs, and giving you total real-time visibility.

Fast Validation

The CYBRA RFID Cage validates EPC-tagged items in cartons at greater than 99% read accuracy, at conveyor speeds of up to 600 feet per minute.

Shipping Precision

Read every single item in every single carton received, and validate every single item in every single outbound carton packed. Nothing gets past the Cage.

Carton Auditing

Match every carton to orders for content and quantity with over 99% accuracy. The reduction in chargebacks alone will pay for the system many times over.


Accuracy + Speed = The RFID Cage

If you’re shipping and receiving large sums of packages each day, you know it’s all about throughput. The CYBRA RFID Cage is a pre-configured RFID tunnel consisting of an RFID reader, and antennas ready to easily mount over an inbound or outbound conveyor. This solution enables auditing of every item in every single carton received, and can validate every single item in every outbound carton packed.

How the RFID Tunnel Works

The CYBRA RFID Cage easily integrates with existing legacy ERP and WMS systems. Using the RFID Cage, Edgefinity IoT scans the UCC128 or LPN barcode, reads EPC tags in carton, converts EPC data to UPC, then validates UPC detail against PO detail. The CYBRA RFID Cage can operate stand alone, validating random sample cartons, or picked up and placed over powered conveyor, to validate every carton.

Step 1: Load Cart Info

Carton information is loaded into the RFID system using a CYBRA supplied API.

Step 2: Loading

Packed cartons are brought to the RFID Cage mounted over a conveyor

Step 3: Detect

Photo eye detects edge of carton and triggers barcode scanner.

Step 4: Scan

Barcode scanner reader and transmits 20 digit GS1-128 barcode to RFID system.

Step 5: Detect Again

Photo eye detects edge of carton and triggers an RFID reader.

Step 6: Decode

The RFID system reads and decodes EPC tag data.

Step 7: Validation

RFID system validates the order and record against the original order.

Step 7a: Valid Contents

The RFID system will signal confirmation by flashing a green light.

Step 7b: Invalid Contents

Exception records will be signaled by sounding a buzzer and flashing a red light.

RFID Tunnel Product Specs

The RFID Cage is a rare product that validates cartons faster, and more accurately than anything on the market right now. The Cage comes loaded with everything you need to hit the ground running.

  • Ready to assemble T-slot extruded aluminum frame + stand
  • Preloaded EdgeBox Controller
  • 4 optimized RFID panel antennas with all cables and mounts
  • GPIO box with 4 inputs (for sensors, etc.) and 4 outputs
  • 4-port RFID Reader and power supply
  • Red and Green status LED’s and all cables
  • High speed, compact industrial bar code scanner
  • Barcode interface hardware, power supply and cables
  • Barcode photo sensor, cable and bracket
  • RFID Package Sensor, cable and bracket
  • Industrial Ethernet switch
  • Industrial surge protector and AC power strip

Benefits of Automatically Validating Cartons

The CYBRA RFID Cage brings a host of features and capabilities that you simply will not find anywhere else. Why randomly check your shipping and receiving manually? You can efficiently automate your validation processes, and drastically improve accuracy, with zero down time!

Adjust Accuracy Thresholds

Validation isn’t always simple. Different products perform differently. Metal zippers can interfere with RFID reading, slowing down your entire workflow. Adjusting thresholds is the key. If you need one product to validate at 100% and others at 75%, you can.

Keep Better Shipping Data

You don’t want to pay chargeback fines. Especially when you are sure that what your shipped out was correct. Minimize these potential risks by recording every outbound carton’s contents. The CYBRA RFID Cage and Edgefinity IoT gives you the tools and data to fight chargebacks.

Faster Validation

The CYBRA RFID Cage can read and verify thousands of items per hour with greater than 99% accuracy. No matter how fast your lines move, 150 feet per minute, 350 feet per minute, even 600 feet per minute, the CYBRA RFID Cage can read and verify carton contents.

Rate Tag Vendors Accurately

A natural benefit from the CYBRA RFID Cage solution is included tag vendor score card. You can quickly see if there are wide ranges in tag performance or if there is consistency in readability. For the first time you can achieve visibility to what is actually entering the supply chain.

Easy Installation

Unlike most RFID tunnels, the RFID Cage can be installed on most shipping or receiving lines in a matter of minutes. And, once installed, the CYBRA RFID Cage requires little maintenance. It can’t get any easier than that. No other product in the world can offer such a quick set up. Start validating your receipts and shipments today.

Efficient Workflow

To perform with incredible high speed and throughput the CYBRA RFID Cage solution features our exclusive Edgefinity IoT validation algorithms that allow the closest carton separation at the highest possible line speed. The CYBRA RFID Cage can keep up with your most demanding workflow and accurately differentiate the contents of each swift moving box.

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