JMagic 9.5 - Mod Level 200115
GUI Designer For MarkMagic - Mod Level 200115Use MarkMagic’s intuitive JMagic Label and Forms Designer to create or modify your formats. Working with MarkMagic’s WYSIWYG designer is effortless. JMagic forms and labels designer is FREE with your MarkMagic Developer License.
- Design forms and labels without writing any code.
- Add barcodes and RFID tags to your forms and labels.
- Variable graphics can be tied to fields in your database.
- Add lines, boxes, barcodes, and graphics without mapping each text field individually.
- Support has been added for uploading and converting images from PDF source files. JMagic can now import PDF files into the MarkMagic graphics gallery, convert them to a target graphic image and display the images on the JMagic canvas.
- Corrected the layering view of objects as they appear on the JMagic canvas. Boxes, graphics, lines, text and barcode fields, when stacked on top of one another, should now appear in the same layered order as they would when printed.
- Fixed an issue where Text Blocks would move during a Print Preview
- CRC values that get calculated when converting EPNG graphics are now placed on their own line in the data.
Install Guide
MarkMagic 9.5 for IBM System i Install Guide
MarkMagic PI 9.5 Install Guide (non-standalone)
The latest version is MarkMagic 9.5 Mod 200115 for IBM System i and Platform Independent Users. MarkMagic 6.5 & above supports IBM OS V6R1 – V7R2 (OS V7R3 and above require MarkMagic 9 or higher.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.5, 7.2 and 7.7 USERS
Users upgrading from version 4.1, 5.1, 6.1/6.5 (mod level 080620 or earlier) must upgrade to version 6.5 Mod Level 081219, then upgrade V6.5 to Version 8.6 Mod 131005 and then, finally, upgrade 8.6 to 9.0 Mod 161015. Please see MarkMagic 6 install guide and MarkMagic 8 install guide for details.
Users upgrading from version 6.1/6.5 mod level 081219, 7.2, 7.7 mod level 101216 or earlier, to version 9 must upgrade to Version 8.6 mod 131005 before upgrading to 9.0 Mod 161015.
Note: The MarkMagic 9 upgrade procedure will automatically cancel if the user attempts to upgrade from an unsupported version. |  914-963-6600 – Option 4 | Help Portal