Back in May, Target made some big corporate news detailing a plan to start utilizing RFID technology to improve inventory and retail availability. The news was received warmly by the auto-ID community as it seemed RFID had found another major corporate supporter.

And now, it seems, Target has doubled down on the whole embracing technology thing…the internet of things to be a little more specific. Earlier this month Target unveiled their impressive “Open House” lab in San Francisco. The Target Open House is a lab that displays just how items such as a connected lamp or a smart sound system would work in a regular home.

Basically, Open House is meant to show Target customers how certain IOT items work, and show the products in actual living environments. All the items in the Open House are for sale as well. Target obviously has an eye on the future of retail. In order to sell items that will be connected, their customers will need to understand how it works, but also how it will benefit their lives. Otherwise, the customer will likely to not buy IOT capable items. Target’s Open House lab is just one way Target will look to educate their customers while getting them excited to embrace new technological products.

The Open House is located on Mission Street in San Francisco, and is open 7 days a week.