What is GS1?

GS1 is a neutral, non-profit organization that develops and maintains standards for barcodes, a symbol that is printed on products and can be scanned electronically. The organization helps companies create and use barcodes on their products, and makes it easier for consumers to recognize items and track their purchases.

GS1 is an organization that provides barcodes for products and services. They also serve as an essential tool in the supply chain, allowing global companies to easily exchange information on products and services. The standards help companies track inventory, improve visibility and safety, and simplify transactions. These standards help companies capture and exchange information about products, locations, assets, and more. The Ad Hoc Committee on Uniform Grocery Product Identification Code was created for the retail industry to make the process easier.

GS1 is a global standards organization. It was established by a partnership between the European Article Numbering Association and the Uniform Code Council. The company was later renamed GS1. GS1 barcodes, like Acctivate GS1-128 Shipping Labels, use the standard barcodes maintained by GS1. There are many ways to use these labels, but the most popular is to sell products and services using the barcode.