MarkMagic AS400 PDF / Email / Fax Add-on Optional Tutorial »

Tutorial #5: MarkMagic Version PDF / Email / Fax Add-on Option:This tutorial will introduce you to the MarkMagic PDF, Fax and Email add-on option. There will not be any JMagic steps in this tutorial, due to the fact that this add-on option is used on the “green screen” side of MarkMagic.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • What a PDF file is.
  • How to create a PDF file of your MarkMagic forms and labels.
  • How to setup the MarkMagic email option to work with your email servers.
  • How to automatically email your PDF file when it is created.
  • How to fax your output instead of printing to a printer.
  • How to use a MarkMagic format as a Cover Page.