Fabric Care Printer Support

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When you need to print fabric care labels, it is best to use a fabric care label printer. These printers can handle and the media necessary to generate care labels for apparel and other consumer goods such as bedding and bath textiles. Ensure the highest quality output for your brand by using the right fabric care label printer in your operations.

Fabric Care Label Applications

Industries & Applications

  • Manufacturing
  • Food and Beverage Processing
  • Consumer Goods
  • Package Labeling
  • Compliance Labeling
  • Apparel
  • Retail

Fabric Care Printing FAQs

What Kind of Performance Can I Expect from a Fabric Care Label Printer?

It of course depends on the kind of printer that you get, as well the type of fabric label you need to print. With that said, a fabric care label should be able to print out around 50 to 70 high quality labels per minute.

What Sizes and Materials Can Fabric Care Label Printers Handle?

Most fabric care label printers can handle standard fabric material for in-plant printing. Cellulose, confil, remay, acetate, poly-cotton, tyvek and polyester are commonly used materials and can be handled by most fabric care label printers.

Can Fabric Care Label Printers Print Out Pictures and Designs?

Yes, most, if not all fabric care label printers can print out fabric care images as well as logos. Many fabric printers can also print in color, which is helpful for products to better communicate important information to consumers.

Choosing the Right Fabric Care Label Printer

CYBRA’s MarkMagic barcode labeling printer supports many fabric care label printers. If your current labeling system is slowing down your operations, it may be time to move to a more streamlined approach. With the right barcode labeling software, you can improve your organization’s efficiency while reducing costs. Request a demo today from one of our barcoding experts.