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Asset Tracking and Personnel Safety Monitoring for Utilities

Track and manage equipment, assets, and personnel safety within your utilities facilities. Save money and maximize operations with CYBRA.

Lone Worker Safety and Panic Button Alerting

Lone Worker Safety and Panic Button Alerting

The major concern for all utilities is lone workers. With Edgefinity IoT each worker will be equipped with an Active Badge that will monitor the employee’s well-being. The badge is equipped with an array of sensors that can help in various situations. With the accelerometer and Gyroscope, the badge can detect if an employee falls or goes motionless indicating a health emergency and sending an alert back to your safety or security department. The badge is equipped with a panic button so if the employee spots an emergency or is in trouble they can quickly and discreetly hit the button on the badge signaling help is needed. The badges will send the location of the employee and the location of the incident with every alert.

Lone Worker Safety and Panic Button Alerting

Lone Worker Safety and Panic Button Alerting

The major concern for all utilities is lone workers. With Edgefinity IoT each worker will be equipped with an Active Badge that will monitor the employee’s wellbeing. The badge is equipped with an array of sensors that can help in various situations. With the accelerometer and Gyroscope, the badge can detect if an employee falls or goes motionless indicating a health emergency and sending an alert back to your safety or security department. The badge is equipped with a panic button so if the employee spots an emergency or is in trouble they can quickly and discreetly hit the button on the badge signaling help is needed. The badges will send the location of the employee and the location of the incident with every alert.

Minimum Staffing Requirements

Certain equipment and security rooms need to maintain a minimum staff to use. With Edgefinity IoT this is easily accomplished. For equipment, when it is turned on, the system will detect how many authorized badges are detected within the vicinity of the equipment and make sure it meets your utilities requirements. If the number is below the threshold, it will immediately alert the manager. For security rooms it is common to require at least two guards monitoring the plant, Edgefinity IoT will ensure that there are always two people present. This is an area where the requirements could be a little fuzzy, some places require two people during the daytime in the security room while in the evenings and night the requirement allows for exceptions such as at least one guard must be present but the second is allowed to leave for bathroom breaks or other reasons, in this instance we can set the alert if it goes below one to send out immediately but if it goes below two for more than 10 minutes then send out an alert.

Minimum Staffing Requirements
Minimum Staffing Requirements

Minimum Staffing Requirements

Certain equipment and security rooms need to maintain a minimum staff to use or staff. With Edgefinity IoT this is easily accomplished. For equipment when it is turned on the system will detect how many authorized badges are detected within the vicinity of the equipment and make sure it meets your utilities requirements if the number is below the threshold, it will immediately alert the manager. For security rooms it is common to require at least two guards monitoring the plant, Edgefinity IoT will ensure that this there is always two people present. This is an area where the requirements could be a little fuzzy, some places require two people during the daytime in the security room while in the evenings and night the requirement allows for exceptions such as at least one guard must be present but the second is allowed to leave for bathroom breaks or other reasons, in this instance we can set the alert if it goes below one to send out immediately but if it goes below two for more than 10 minutes then send out an alert.

Edgefinity IoT Contractor/Visitor Monitoring

Edgefinity IoT Personnel Tracking Interface

Contractor/Visitor Monitoring

In all facilities contractors and visitors are limited to certain areas or require an escort. This has historically been the hardest thing to manage and is probably the most broken rule in all facilities. With Edgefinity IoT each contractor and visitor will be issued a badge that will track their movements throughout the facility. If a contractor leaves the designated area an alert will go out to the security department. If a contractor is a bad actor and decides they do not want to be tracked and leaves his badge the accelerometer will signal an alert that the badge is motionless and send out an alert. For visitors that require an escort, Edgefinity IoT can set a perimeter around the escort and alert if the person leaves the escort and is unattended. This alert can be limited to certain areas of the facility. For instance visitors are allowed to be unattended in conference rooms and bathrooms but once the step outside of those areas the rule goes back into effect.

Edgefinity IoT Contractor/Visitor Monitoring

Edgefinity IoT Personnel Tracking Interface

Contractor/Visitor Monitoring

In all facilities contractors and visitors are limited to certain areas or require an escort. This has historically been the hardest thing to manage and is probably the most broken rule in all facilities. With Edgefinity IoT each contractor and visitor will be issued a badge that will track their movements throughout the facility. If a contractor leaves the designated area an alert will go out to the security department. If a contractor is a bad actor and decides they do not want to be tracked and leaves his badge the accelerometer will signal an alert that the badge is motionless and send out an alert. For visitors that require an escort Edgefinity IoT can set a perimeter around the escort and alert if the person leaves escort and is unattended. This alert can be limited to certain areas of the facility for instance visitors are allowed to be unattended in conference rooms and bathrooms but once the step outside of those areas the rule goes back into effect.

Powerful Inventory Management Features

Edgefinity IoT will monitor all of your assets in Real Time giving you quick access to determine exactly what you have in stock. We use two different technologies to track all of your inventory, for high value items an active tags is placed on each one and is tracked anywhere in the facility and for low value items a passive tag is placed on the items and can be monitored in stock rooms or through portals with a fixed infrastructure or a handheld device that requires a scan of the items (with passive tags, the items can be scanned from up to 20 feet away). The system will automatically alert if an item drops below a minimum threshold to let purchasing know they need to reorder. The handheld is also a must have for utility trucks, a driver can quickly scan everything they have on board and if something is missing it will alert the driver they need to restock an item before they drive to the incident and realize they need to turn around for a missing part.

Powerful Inventory Management Features
Improve Picking and Packing Accuracy

Improve Picking and Packing Accuracy

Picking and packing are some of the most intensive processes within any warehouse. There are a number of ways a pick/pack error can occur – from stock inaccuracies to item misidentification. Help give your workers a leg up by improving your supply chain’s accuracy and visibility. With Edgefinity IoT, warehouse and fulfillment teams can see where items have been put away and verify where they are going.

Energy, Oil, and Gas

Keep track of personnel and equipment even in large energy facilities such as power plants, oil refineries, or exceptionally remote locations like pipeline pump stations.


Make your mining facilities safer with CYBRA’s personnel and equipment tracking solutions. Locate individuals in real-time, send and receive alerts, and ensure 24/7 productivity.

Steel Production

While steel production can be dangerous work, facility managers can reduce risks with a personnel safety tracking system. Automate processes, enforce safety rules, and share important notifications – all from one application.

Waste Management

Utilize CYBRA’s RFID tracking software for better control over equipment, assets, and personnel safety for waste management organizations such as recycling plants and hazardous waste facilities


Mitigate safety issues while improving efficiency on construction sites with CYBRA’s RFID tracking software. Manage vital tools and equipment, track lone workers, and ensure safety protocols with CYBRA.

Lone Worker Safety

Make sure lone workers and employees are safe no matter where they are. Locate and monitor lone workers in real-time with CYBRA’s tracking software.

RFID Tracking Solutions for Utilities

Thousands of software vendors and customers worldwide rely on CYBRA’s award-winning software to save time and money. Our experts can show you how to implement RFID tracking solutions within your facilities.

Industry Solutions

  • Carrier Labeling
  • eCommerce & Omnichannel
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Product ID & Packaging
  • Shipping & Receiving
  • Work in Process Tracking
  • Drop Shipping
  • Direct to Consumer
  • FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon)

Utilities Industry Resources

The Four Biggest Risks Facing Lone Workers

The Four Biggest Risks Facing Lone Workers

How do you keep your lone workers safe? The hazards facing your workers become exponentially more dangerous when they are on their own. Written by one of the most knowledgeable minds in the entire safety industry …

Maximizing Efficiency and Safety with RTLS

Maximizing Efficiency and Safety with RTLS

In this webinar, RTLS experts from CYBRA and Sewio Networks will show you how different organizations use RTLS to track assets, materials, or product flow and enhance employee safety. You will discover how to calculate a robust ROI …

Utilities Safety Monitoring and Tracking FAQs

Our Union Doesn't People Tracked At All Times Only in Emergencies. Is This Possible?

Yes, with Edgefinity IoT you can either set it up to monitor all people at all times or only during emergency events such as when the panic button is pressed.

What Happens If a Badge is Destroyed?

Edgefinity IoT will automatically send out an alert if it is expecting to hear from the badge as the person could be in trouble.

Are the Active Asset Tags IP Rated?

Yes, the standard ones are IP65 rated. An IP65 rated enclosure gives protection against low pressure water jets from any direction, as well as condensation and water spray. If your project requires a higher rating we can help with a specialized casing.

Can the System Be Run Locally on Our Network or Does It Need to be on the Internet?

Yes the system can be run on your local intranet and only accessible on your network.

Personnel and Asset Tracking Solutions

Since 1985, CYBRA has been solving some of the most vexing auto-ID challenges in the world. Relied on by many of the biggest names in retail, manufacturing, and distribution trust CYBRA with all your barcoding and RFID needs.