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Healthcare Barcode Labeling and RFID Tracking Software Solutions

CYBRA provides hospital equipment tracking, medical device labeling for a wide range of healthcare facilities.

Barcode Labeling Features

Improve Safety and Efficiency with Enterprise Labeling

Improve Safety and Efficiency with Enterprise Labeling

In the medical industry, proper identification and labeling is vitally important to efficiently serve patients. Medical facilities can use CYBRA’s barcode labeling software to design and print patient identification tags, blood bag allocation labels, lab specimens, pharmaceutical packaging, and cryogenic labels.

Improve Safety and Efficiency with Enterprise Labeling

Improve Safety and Efficiency with Enterprise Labeling

In the medical industry, proper identification and labeling is vitally important to efficiently serve patients. Medical facilities can use CYBRA’s barcode labeling software to design and print patient identification tags, blood bag allocation labels, lab specimens, pharmaceutical packaging, and cryogenic labels.

Simplified Compliance Labeling Solutions

Maintaining labeling compliance throughout your supply chain is important for business and consumer safety. Ensure your processes are compliant with a modernized labeling approach. MarkMagic provides a wide array of tools to help medical professionals to stay compliant with their labeling. Whether you need color printing for packaging and labeling, UDI (Unique Device Identification) compliance label printing, MarkMagic can handle your labeling needs.

Simplified Compliance Labeling Solutions
Simplified Compliance Labeling Solutions

Simplified Compliance Labeling Solutions

Maintaining labeling compliance throughout your supply chain is important for business and consumer safety. Ensure your processes are compliant with a modernized labeling approach. MarkMagic provides a wide array of tools to help medical professionals to stay compliant with their labeling. Whether you need color printing for packaging and labeling, UDI (Unique Device Identification) compliance label printing, MarkMagic can handle your labeling needs.

RFID Software Tracking Features

Manage Medical Inventory and Hospital Equipment

Manage Medical Inventory and Hospital Equipment

Raising inventory visibility within medical facilities can speed up response time and improve patient care. With CYBRA RFID tracking software, Edgefinity IoT, users can manage inventory thresholds, locate equipment in real time, and receive alerts when items are misplaced or taken off-premises.

Manage Medical Inventory and Hospital Equipment

Manage Medical Inventory and Hospital Equipment

Raising inventory visibility within medical facilities can speed up response time and improve patient care. With CYBRA RFID tracking software, Edgefinity IoT, users can manage inventory thresholds, locate equipment in real time, and receive alerts when items are misplaced or taken off-premises.

Track the Safety of Staff and Patients

In long-term care facilities and nursing homes elopement can be an ongoing issue. To mitigate unsupervised movement, facility managers can rely on Edgefinity IoT to monitor patients as needed. With Edgefinity IoT, managers can create zones and rules for patients. When patients leave certain areas at certain times, personnel can receive alerts via email, call, text, or through push notifications.

Track the Safety of Staff and Patients
Track the Safety of Staff and Patients

Track the Safety of Staff and Patients

In long-term care facilities and nursing homes elopement can be an ongoing issue. To mitigate unsupervised movement, facility managers can rely on Edgefinity IoT to monitor patients as needed. With Edgefinity IoT, managers can create zones and rules for patients. When patients leave certain areas at certain times, personnel can receive alerts via email, call, text, or through push notifications.

Medical Device Tracking

With CYBRA’s tracking software, medical facilities can keep tabs on high value medical devices, equipment, and inventory. From a tablet or phone, healthcare workers can search for and locate medical devices in real-time.

Pharmaceutical Labeling

Maintain packaging and labeling consistency with CYBRA’s labeling software – MarkMagic. CYBRA’s labeling solutions enables regulatory compliance and simplifies label printing automation all in one powerful barcoding package.

Patient Workflow Management

Improve patient experience with CYBRA’s RFID tracking capabilities. CYBRA’s RFID system helps medical facilities track medication times and monitor patients through modern geo-fencing technology.

Laboratory Labeling & Tracking

CYBRA’s labeling solutions are a perfection option for scientific and medical labs. design, create, automate, and manage labels, barcodes, QR codes, RFID tags, and more with CYBRA’s MarkMagic labeling software.

Healthcare Asset Tracking

Track hospital assets, inventory, and equipment in real time with Edgefinity IoT. CYBRA’s RFID asset tracking system combines with RTLS to offer healthcare providers with a real time track and trace software solution.

HazCom Labeling

Proper labeling of hazardous materials can save lives. If you’re working with hazardous materials and chemicals, GHS labeling compliance may be required within your supply chain by OSHA. Design and print your HazCom and GHS compliant labels easily with MarkMagic labeling software.

Healthcare Labeling and Tracking Solutions

Thousands of software vendors and customers worldwide rely on CYBRA’s award-winning software to save time and money. Our experts show you how to implement a scalable barcode labeling and RFID tracking solutions within your supply chain.

Industry Resources

Benefits of Deploying Color Labeling into Your Supply Chain

Benefits of Deploying Color Labeling into Your Supply Chain

Color labels are just an expensive way to make your products look pretty, right? Wrong! Adding color to your labels and supply chain bring so much more to the table than just aesthetics. Brand recognition, product appeal, and competitive advantages …
How Albany Medical Center Monitors Medications with MarkMagic

How Albany Medical Center Monitors Medications with MarkMagic

To better serve its patients, AMC wanted to update the way the monitor and manage their patients’ meds. A longtime user of McKesson Series pharmacy management software, AMC needed to find the right barcode labeling software …
Tracking PAPR & PPE with RTLS

Tracking PAPR & PPE with RTLS

Tracking the location and status of PAPR is vital in the fight against COVID-19. Check out how medical facilities can maximize equipment usage. In this webinar, CYBRA’s RFID experts will share practical examples of best practices for healthcare teams needing to track their vital PAPR and PPE …

Healthcare Labeling and Tracking FAQs

What is Unique Device Identification?
It is a unique code that includes a device identifier, which is specific to a device model, and a production identifier. It includes production information for that specific device, such as the lot or batch number, the serial number and/or expiration date. The UDI must appear on every device using a label or direct marking such as with ink jet or lasers, except where it is not feasible according to the FDA definition.
What are the Benefits of Adding Color to Medical Labels?

Adding color to labels has been known to improve readability for healthcare labels. Governments around the world are consistently pushing for clearer labels – especially warning labels. Integrating color on-demand can be done with CYBRA’s MarkMagic barcode labeling software. Learn more

Can an RFID System Help with Patient Workflow Management?

Yes, several hospitals and medical facilities look to RFID in order to cut down on patient wait times and turnaround times. With RFID wristbands and strategically placed RFID sensors, an RTLS (Real Time Location System) can track the movement of patients. From there nurses can look at monitors or tablets to get a real-time look at a hospital floor’s workflow.

What is the ROI of an RFID Tracking System for a Medical Facility?

The ROI of any RFID project depends on several factors but is usually quite measurable. Factors include what is being tracked and the kind of environment the RFID tracking system will be deployed. Retail stores, for example, can increase sales by more than 5% according to a recent GS1 report. Additionally, according to the RFID Lab at Auburn University, RFID reduces retail out-of-stock by up to 50%. On the manufacturing and distribution end of things brands see an 80% improvement in shipping/picking accuracy.


Of course, the ROI will largely depend on how organized or disorganized a company’s operations were prior to the system’s installation. However, it doesn’t take long for an RFID tracking system to have a girth of data that can be used to audit a company’s supply chain or operations.

Labeling and Tracking Solutions

Since 1985, CYBRA has been solving some of the most vexing auto-ID challenges in the world. Relied on by many of the biggest names in manufacturing, and food and beverage processing trust CYBRA with all your barcoding and RFID needs.