How to Articles

Learn how to use the different functions of MarkMagic.

How to Create a Format in JMagic

How to Create a Format in JMagic

In this video tutorial, we will show you how to create a format. Creating a format is the first step in creating complex, customizable forms in JMagic. Once you have your format created, watch the tutorials below to add all sorts of elements to your format. If you...

How to Use the Template Feature in JMagic

How to Use the Template Feature in JMagic

HOW TO USE THE TEMPLATE FEATURE IN JMAGIC Using the template feature in MarkMagic is easy and saves you a ton of time. We'll show you how to use it in less that two minutes!

Master Formats

Master Formats

Master *MASTER and simplify your MarkMagic integration   Do you need to maintain sets of similar labels or forms? If you answered yes, your job just got easier! The MarkMagic *MASTER feature was designed specifically with your needs in mind. Master Formats allow...

Variable Graphics

Variable Graphics

MarkMagic Variable Graphics Lets You Automatically Print a Graphic Associated with an SKU or Style. Variable graphics can be tied to fields in your database. You no longer have to create multiple formats, each containing a different static graphic when you want a...

Quick Edit

Quick Edit

MarkMagic Quick Edit Feature Lets You Quickly, Easily Change Field Values Did you ever wish you could open a format and change all the text fonts without editing each text field? Or, would you like to modify the length of variable fields, without editing each field...

Securing User Libraries

Securing User Libraries

MarkMagic User Libraries Let You Secure Your Labels and Forms for SOX Compliance. Worried about Sarbanes Oxley compliance? MarkMagic User Libraries, in combination with the iSeries' excellent built-in security features, let you control access to labels and forms by...

JMagic Templates

JMagic Templates

JMagic Templates Let You Trace any Label or Form. Are you beginning a compliance program with a new trading partner? Is there a pre-printed form you would like to eliminate but dread the thought of designing it from scratch? Did you know you can scan a sample label or...

Map All Fields

Map All Fields

Map All Fields With One Mouse Click or One Function Key   Did you know that redesigning an existing form in JMagic is as easy as clicking one button, and all the spooled file fields are retrieved and displayed just like they appear on the form? Or, did you know...

Add a Range of Source Fields

Add a Range of Source Fields

The ability of 2D bar codes such as PDF417 and UPS MaxiCode to encode up to 2,000 characters presents a formatting challenge: how to link to dozens of source fields without defining each source field one at a time. Here's how to add a range of source fields in JMagic...

Replace Multi Part Forms

Replace Multi Part Forms

Use PrintMonitor To Replace Multi-Part Forms, and more! The MarkMagic "Run a Multi-Parts Form Job" (RUNMPFJOB) command is great way to replace multiple-part forms. However, RUNMPFJOB is limited to one printer. You can only change the format and select a different...

Work With MarkMagic Versions

Work With MarkMagic Versions

Updated Work with MarkMagic Version Command Eases Upgrade Path from Version 5.1 to Version 6.1 MarkMagic 6.1 provides the ability to run multiple versions of MarkMagic on the same system at the same time. There's no need to rename libraries. In fact you must leave the...

Monarch Pathfinder

Monarch Pathfinder

MarkMagic and the One-Piece Scan, Print & Apply Paxar Monarch Pathfinder Ultra—the Most Efficient Labeling System Ever Invented Looking to reclaim labor hours you spend doing receiving and other labeling tasks? Here's how to use MarkMagic and the innovative...

How to Get Started with Formweaver

How to Get Started with Formweaver

New FormWeaver Option May Be Just What You Need Are you looking to design and print complex, compound documents without creating one massive format? FormWeaver Documents come in many varieties, including the merging of two or more formats on one page. An example of...

Smart Message

Smart Message

MarkMagic SM@RT Message Feature Lets You Merge Data Like Magic Do you have form letters with substitution data? Are you using an error prone, high-maintenance patchwork of PC applications like MS Word merging with DB2/400 database? Or, are you wondering how to replace...

Print Preview For Labels

Print Preview For Labels

Did you know that while you design your labels and forms, you can display a Print Preview of your format? JMagic's Print Preview feature shows you what your printed label or form will actually look like -- with the variable fields filled with your actual spooled file...

Q & A: RFID Rollout

Q & A: RFID Rollout

Why adopt RFID? RFID technology will allow suppliers to significantly improve the precision of your on-hand inventory throughout the year by enabling frequent merchandise counts. Test data shows that a more precise inventory will generate increased sales because you...