On behalf of the CYBRA team, we would like to express our gratitude to our customers and partners. 2016 has been a phenomenal year for CYBRA. A year of growth and a year of building our next generation of cutting edge products.  We could not have done it without your loyalty and support. Thank you.

Among the notable highlights for CYBRA in 2016 were the release of Edgefinity IoT, growth in MarkMagic PI sales, and the beginning stages of development for MarkMagic 10 based on enthusiastic customer feedback from the MarkMagic 2016 Customer Survey. Dozens of customers took time to help refine the roadmap of the future direction for MarkMagic. Thank you to everyone who took the survey!

And 2017 promises to be even better. Stay tuned, and be prepared to be amazed.

PS – Be sure to meet us in 2017! These are some of the trade shows and events we will be attending in 2017.


WHAT: NRF Big Show 2017
WHEN: January 15th – 17th
WHERE: New York, NY
DETAILS: CYBRA will be exhibiting at Booth 1241. See the floor map here. If you’re heading to the show, be sure to schedule a meeting with us. If you need a ticket, we’re offering discounted rates. Click here to register to the NRF site, then use the promo code Evite1. We will be featuring retail solutions from the dock door to the selling floor based on Edgefinity IoT.


WHAT: Manhattan Momentum 2017
WHEN: May 8th – 11th
WHERE: Las Vegas, NV
DETAILS: CYBRA will be exhibiting at the conference to discuss how MarkMagic can offer you more labels & forms power, and more flexibility to automate your document processing.


WHAT: GS1 Connect 2017
WHEN: June 20th – 22nd
WHERE: Las Vegas, NV
DETAILS: CYBRA will be exhibiting at Booth 37. Come see and discuss CYBRA’s range of barcode, RFID, and RTLS solutions. See the floor map here.


WHAT: NSC Expo 2017
WHEN: September 25th – 27th
WHERE: Indianapolis, IN
DETAILS: CYBRA will be exhibiting RFID and RTLS solutions for safety and security applications.


WHAT: VAI Conference 2017
WHEN: Fall 2017
DETAILS: CYBRA will be sponsoring the 2017 conference. We will also be exhibiting, so stop by to discuss MarkMagic’s newest features, capabilities and add-ons that can positively affect your operations and sales.